7 Vital Questions You Need To Ask On Your First Date

7 necessary questions you need to ask on your first date to know the person better.


Awkward silences, hesitant questions and so many things to say; first dates can be nerve-wrecking. You may be afraid to say something for the fear of crossing that person or sounding rude. It is also difficult to have a smooth conversation. But they also are the best opportunity to know whether you want to go out on a second date or move on to someone else.

Here are 7 vital questions you need to ask on your first date.

“What kind of music do you like?”

You can talk for hours about the singers and tracks if you share the love for music. It is a great ice-breaker.


“What do you do for fun?”

This question will reveal a lot about the person. It will help you realize whether you can go out with this person again or not. And if there is a second date, you can plan something that they enjoy.

“What are the qualities you are looking for in an ideal partner?”

No blind wondering about whether the person likes you or not. If they are looking for something very different, you can save a lot of time.


“Do you travel?”

Travelling and favored destinations reflects a lot of the personality. People, who are passionate about travelling, cannot be tethered to a place for long. This point can be a deal breaker if one likes travelling, and one does not.


“If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?”

This is a super fun question and can spice up any drawling conversation. It will also tell you how spontaneous and fun the person is?

“Which is your favorite book or movie?”

Most people try to sound very celebral and smart in these answers. But they can boost the conversation if you have the same choices. Or you can at least exchange notes on what and why they like something.

“What is the most important item on your bucket list?”

You can know a lot of a person by knowing their goals and dreams in life. Whether the person is serious, practical or out only for short-term gains.



These questions can fill awkward silences and make conversations more fun and interesting. As they say, it is all about asking the right questions.


(Image credits- wordpress, giphy)