7 Ways To Survive A Day Long Shopping Bout With Your Girlfriend

Those shopping trips with your girlfriend can be very boring and here are 7 ways you can survive the day.


While your girlfriend flies from one store to another, trying out outfits and taking too long in the trial room, you may be getting bored. But you are forced to stifle your yawn. Also avoid checking your watch in front of her.

If you want to be the ideal boyfriend, accompanying your girl on her enthusiastic shopping sprees is unavoidable. So here are 7 tricks to survive her shopping trips.

1. Keep yourself engaged

Load up your playlist or take a book along. You can also keep yourself busy with many interesting video games. Most shopping malls have comfortable lounges and chairs. So spread out and relax.

2. Sneak in some work

You can read up and reply to those many pending mails or the long report. However, she may not like you preoccupied with work while she is confused between the black velvet dress and the pink skirt. So be alert, you may have to hide your work away if she sneaks up on you.

3. Grab a bite

Load up on some sandwiches or light bites, so you can munch along. Sustenance is a good distraction. A short visit to the food court is also fun while she tries a few pair of jeans in the dressing room. A safe blood alcohol level may also help you pull through the say.

4. Catch up with friends on WhatsApp

Text your friends and catch up with them. You can also play Words with Friends or see what your friends are upto on Facebook. Just avoid making those bored boyfriend noises when she is around.

5. Break it up

Mix her shopping with some movie, gaming or meal in between. This will also come as a respite from your boredom by spending some time with her. You can also make dinner reservations or plan a movie in the evening, offering her a shopping deadline.

6. Focus on her

Help her to choose outfits when she is confused, and be available when she needs your advise. Pick out something for her. You can also watch and learn what she likes and dislikes, so that you can plan her next surprise gift well. Offer to carry her bags and help with the zippers if required. After all, that is what you are there for.

7. You can shop too

You can shop for yourself too. Or visit the gadget and sports stores to know what is new in your world. You might actually like what you see.

Being in a committed relationship has its perks and compromises. These 7 tricks will help you to remain a perfect boyfriend and make her very happy.

(Image credits- lookbio.ru, Giphy)