Are Dads The New BFFs?

With dads around, who said best friends are hard to find?

Image Credit: Movie - Piku

Have you ever thought how difficult your life would be without friends? While the me-time is important and dear to all of us, beyond that we need someone to hangout with, discuss stuffs, hit the movies, and go on trips. But then, a good friend is hard to find. Haven’t we all heard of it and also experienced at some point in life? Not to worry though – I mean with the super cool dads around, aren’t they our new BFFs?

Dads Are There For Everything

When Brooklyn Beckham posted a photo on Instagram, dad David Beckham commented teasing him saying “That’s my jumper”

Image Credit: itv

Oh, yes! Dads of this age are cool! Unlike times of our grandparents, fathers have gone on to be as cool AF! Dads of today are cool to chill out with sipping beer and sharing a smoke! The cool dads of today are there to guide as with logic. They do not just command us with mandates, nah! If they really want us to stay away from something, they validate it with reasons, sometimes citing examples from their own experiences of life. They tease us on social media, and also leaves the most encouraging remarks as comments at times too!

New Age Dads Are The Guiding Force

Aamir Khan portrayed a dad with modern attitude, going against the society to make his daughters successful wrestlers

Image Credit: Movie – Dangal

I’m sure you guys have found your dads beside you whenever you might have failed your own expectations. They have been their again, with the silence of support, and talks of cruising you through your difficult phases of life. It is not only for our academics for which we turn to our dads for advice and suggestions anymore. Dads are helping us with our relationships, sports, and unconventional career choices, and extra-curricular activities. A domain that was predominated by mothers is not ventured into by fathers, and boy, they are doing a great job!

Anindya is a friend to his son; the duo even sport similar tees in this photo

Image Credit: Facebook

Anindya Sarkar, who works with Pantaloons Fashion and Retail Ltd, says, “I play with my son. I feed him. I also share my emotions with him. These are things my father never did for me. These were for my mother to do. But I do everything for my son, and he thinks me to be his friend than a grave father. I scold him when it is necessary too, but he is also intelligent enough to know that he was being naughty.”

Dads are really the new best friends of us. From drives to movies to tips about dating they are there for everything! Need a lift, or need to bum a cigarette? Ask your dad, and they would not say no! Dads rock, don’t they?

Read Also: Why Don’t The Millennials Want To Be Like Their Parents?