Had a breakup? Here are few painless ways to move on

Getting over your Ex, can be a bit less painful with these tips


When you go through a heartbreak it might seem like the world is ending but to others it’s just a cliché. And that’s what hurts the most. The sight of happy, indifferent people around you without any idea of what you might be going through. And the anguish is excruciating. We know because we have been there. We have all given our hearts to people who broke it and left us wrecked and devastated.

And although every day we try convincing ourselves into believing that we are doing fine without them, when we cross paths with them or just stumble into them in a coffee shop or bookstore we realize we have been lying to ourselves all along. So, how would you deal with heartbreaks?

Honestly, there are no hard and fast rules about this. Just know that people can disappear from the very context of your life and it will hit you in a dull moment, the fact that you have finally moved on. And although this might sound really difficult, but this is exactly how it happens.

Dos and don’ts

Don’t listen to sad music. It will make it worse.
Don’t listen to music that reminds you of them. Sadism is not honorable. There is nothing poetic about it.
Don’t stalk them on social media. You need to protect yourself. They may or may not change their relationship status. It doesn’t matter anymore and keep reminding this to yourself every day.
Don’t call up their friends to ask how they are doing. Trust me they are breathing.
Don’t look at old pictures.
If it’s a recent phenomenon, avoid going to places that will haunt you with memories.

Watch happy post-breakup movies like “Begin again” or “500 days of summer”. They will give you perspective.
Spend a lot of time with people who do care about you and want to be with you. They matter, trust me.
Buy yourself a dress or shoes or a watch. Whatever it is, never stop pampering yourself. You need to love yourself before somebody else can love you.
Stay preoccupied both physically and mentally. Join a club or start an internship program. Read more books.
Stay healthy. Feed yourself regularly and take showers. Life doesn’t stop for anyone. And you don’t need someone to remind you that you are beautiful and loved. Stop looking for validation from others constantly. You are enough for yourself.
Travel a lot. Exploring can never be boring; you may find a lot of magic and maybe your own self. Who knows? The world can surprise you.
Acceptance is important. Accept what has happened and learn to let go. This might seem very vague and unimportant, but letting go can happen anytime. When you decide not to think of someone can be a simple act of letting go even if you do end up thinking about them.

Although getting over someone can seem like a really impossible task but it isn’t, especially when you see them doing okay without you. Listen to songs that make you happy without reminding you of them.

Remember, you may not be important to “that” person anymore, but you are far more important to many more people who are more awesome than that person.