Casual pick-up lines if you both have a pet

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You can meet someone interesting at the obvious places, such as the bar, a club, at college or office and obviously on a dating app.

But if you’re still on your own and haven’t found that date yet, and a lot of your days or weekends are about walking around with your pet, maybe this is a good sign!

Walking your pet could be a potential way to meet a date

The park or place where you usually go out to take your pet for a walk is sadly one of the most underrated spaces when it comes to meet someone interesting. Yet, this is one of those spots that have a very strong potential of letting you bump into someone who is like-minded and has a pet too!

So now that you saw them, how do you make sure that you can start a conversation and try and steer it towards a future date, but without coming across like a despot or a creep? Here’s how.

How to talk to someone for a date while walking your pet

Your main aim is to go out on a date, but that’s not the first thing you should be saying out loud. In fact, showing that you are here to flirt is best put off to the coming days. Start a little playful, happy and interesting and build it up gradually.

Start with something like:

Ask a question that focuses on the pet.

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“Do you and your friend come here often?” and send out a smile towards their pet. This will immediately warm them up to you, when they realize that you don’t just love your pet, but love animals in general.

Once you’ve had a bit of chat, the same day or the next time you bump into each other again, that’s when you can start getting a little playful. Say something on the lines of “Let’s have a playdate with our buddies here and then take some time know the parent of the pets too.”

Or, if you’re feeling quite bold now, and have gotten a positive response from the other person, saying something like “Let’s go for a walk the next time to so and so place, and by the way, bringing the pets is strictly optional.”