Common Age-Gap Issues In A Relationship And How To Avoid

If your partner is much younger or older, you could try this

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If you’re dating someone much younger or much older than you, things can surely be different and exciting. There’s a kind of thrill that comes with being in a relationship where both of you come from a different age space.

But to make sure that this age gap doesn’t get in the way of your relationship and that there’s no bitterness, it’s best to keep a few things in mind when it comes to handling the age game in the relationship.

Be Ready For The Challenges

No relationship is without problems and challenges, and this could maybe hold a little truer if there’s a significant gap in your age. However, it’s better to be prepared for some problems to come up later, than to be knocked off suddenly when they do appear. For instance, you love partying, but your significantly older partner isn’t a fan, and it may not be such an issue now. But later, your partner may just not want to visit clubs, which could bother you.

Talking Can Help You Both

George Clooney and Amal have a 16 years’ age gap

Image Credit: emirateswoman

One thing that many couples take for granted is the importance of open communication. Don’t assume that your partner will understand your moods and thoughts, without you telling them what’s going on in your mind. It’s best to talk and tell each other what’s happening in life and what you’re thinking so that they know exactly what someone your age is looking for and from in this relationship.

Be Ready To Face The Looks

If you’re with someone really older than you, it can get you stares. If you’re with someone really younger than you, that can also get you stares. Basically, you both need to be ready to face this together and not get bothered about it. People will stare and ask, and also comment on your relationship, but as long as you both know this is what’s keeping you happy, be a team and be in it together.

To ease into each other’s lifestyle and likes, alternatively do things that interest you both, so that you can give each other a taste of your own life and age too.