Dating A Colleague? Here’s What You Must Know

All work, no play?


Generally, one would advise you to stay away from a situation of dating in office since things can get rough. Yet, if you think this is your ‘one true love’ and you can’t stay away from one another, there are some guidelines you must follow.

Since it is your professional environment, there’s no harm in being a little cautious.

Here are some things you must know:

1. Office Clause On Inter-dating

A lot of workplaces follow a protocol where dating amongst colleagues is prohibited. In such cases, if the management hears about your affair, there’s a chance that either of you may be asked to leave the company. It is best to find out about such policies in advance.

2. Handling Superiors

In case of a workplace where you’re allowed to date a co-worker, it’s best if your boss hears it from you first rather than some gossip mongers. No need to give all the personal details but a casual chat should be enough.

However, make sure your dating does not turn to be a pain for office colleagues. Remember what happens in Suits, thank to Mike and Rachel?

(Image credits: usanetwork)

Maintaining personal and professional life is really very crucial to avoid mess ups at work place.

3. Team Work

What happens when you and your significant other are put on the same team for a project? Don’t let your personal equation ruin the work. Make it an advantage and help each other grow professionally.

4. Behave Formally – No Place For PDA

The entire office may know that you guys are dating but they don’t need to know your pet names. Maintain a formal behavior during office premises which means you cannot indulge in any form of PDA.

5. Emails Are For Work Not Love Messages

Don’t ever make the mistake of writing lovey-dovey emails on the official ids. This is highly unprofessional and could put you in trouble. Most companies maintain a database and these records could even form a legal trouble in case of the company policy violations.