Are You Dating A Miser? Here’s How To Deal With It

Signs that tell you are dating a Miser


Have you heard your boyfriend repeatedly tell you that he’s not materialistic? Well, there’s a good chance that he’s pulling his wallet strings hard and is a certified miser. There’s nothing wrong with being a thoughtful spender but where to draw the line?

Here’s looking signs that you’re dating a miser:

He Vehemently Denies To Give Tips At The Restaurant

Every time you head to a restaurant, he’s against the idea of leaving tips. Clearly, he’s trying to save to save money on all levels, even when it is a small tip. Leaving tips is considered to be a gesture of thanks for the services provided at the restaurant. If he was a smart saver, he would know that this is not the place to be a miser. You could try and convince him that ‘a penny saved is not penny earned’ always,

He Doesn’t Mind Going Empty Handed To A Friend’s Party

It is common to carry a drink or food items when someone invites you to their home for a party. It is a kind gesture showing that you do not expect the hosts to arrange for everything. If your boyfriend advises that you go empty handed because what the hosts provide is free is a clear sign that he’s a low-level miser. If he doesn’t agree with you even after insisting, there’s no point being with a person who doesn’t value his friends.

He Asks You To Return His Borrowed Money

Even if it is just a cab fare that he’s paid for and he keeps asking you to return it, this is a definite miser alert. God save you if that happens to you. Clearly, money is the bigger person in your relationship and this will definitely create problems ahead.

He Never Buys You Gifts

Do you remember the last time your boyfriend got you gifts? Well, if his answer to your ‘Where’s my gift?’ question has been ‘It’s Me’ for like the past 3 birthdays and anniversaries, he’s surely a miser. Not that you need an expensive gift every time but there should be at least the one time that he felt like splurging on you.

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