Dating Someone From A Different Culture? Here’s How Not To Offend Them Accidentally!

Tuhmato..Tomato.. it’s all the same!


As secular and multicultural we may be, it’s difficult not to fall for stereotypes. When it comes to communities or cultures, there’s always some prejudices we have and they may form a problem if you’re in a cross-culture/religion relationship.

You need to be extra careful about what you say and do that may not accidentally offend them in any way.

Here’s looking at a few things you can be careful about:

1. Don’t Fall For The Prejudices

With the influence of cinema and other mediums, we often tend to form an image regarding different cultures and religions. It’s best not to let these clog your mind and make sure you learn about the person and their lifestyle through them. Don’t be shy to ask questions and keep a learning attitude towards each other’s cultures. Remember the digs Arjun Kapoor’s mother keeps taking at Alia’s parents in 2 States, beware of such instances.

(Image credits: ytimg )

2. Respect Each Other’s Choices

Just because you don’t like certain kind of food or music, it is not right to make fun of it or disagree with it. If you want your relationship to last, you will have to learn to respect and accept each other’s cultures fully. It’s not fair to judge the other since it is a new culture for both of you.

3. Language Barrier

If there’s a language barrier, communication is unclear. Also, at times, the same word may have completely two different meaning or context in different cultures, making a joke at the other’s expense without the knowledge of what it means to the other person, may create issues. Keep learning from one another for better sharing of thoughts.

(Image credits: livemint )

4. Never Pull Off The Fake Accent

Coming from different parts of the worlds or nations, there’s a chance that you may have separate accents even if the same language of communication. As tempted as you may be, don’t ever try to pull off a fake accent and tease your significant other. While it may be taken as joke at once, repeating it may cause some serious arguments between the two of you.