Had A Breakup? These Apps Can Get You Through!

An app a day to keep your heartache away

Image Credit: huffpost

There’s an app for almost everything today, and yes, if you were wondering, there are quite a few really effective ones for surviving through a breakup as well.

If you’re sick and tired of listening to all the gyaan you get after you’ve had a breakup and are already irritated, angry and wallowing in self-pity, pick up your phone and check these out.

The Phone Prescribed Rx Breakup App

Here’s the very own smartphone prescription for a breakup – the Rx Breakup app! This one is smartly designed to keep you super busy for a full 30-day schedule, with various activities that will keep you occupied and away from sitting and thinking about your ex and what happened and why. While it smartly guides you away from the heartbreak, it also lets you examine what might have gone wrong and what you can do better the next time.

Move On And Meetup


Image Credit: rentacafe

What’s the best way to get over a breakup? Meet new and interesting people! And this is exactly what the Meetup does for you. Not meant as a dating app, this one is more of a community where you can meet like-minded people and participate in a host of group activities that will not leave you enough time to cry over what could have been.

Heal Your Heart With Mend

This one is another phone prescribed medicine for your heart and aims to Mend your heart with a set of exercises and activities that will keep you busy and positive for a period of 28 days. This app calls itself a self-help app for heartbreak and even after the 28 days are up, you can continue to get daily counsel through audio help and other methods.

Find A Buddy To Get Over Your Breakup With Breakupbuddy

If you’re missing doing all those fun things with your ex (no, we’re not talking about the sex here), then the Breakupbuddy is the perfect app for you. It gives you a huge list to choose from and all you have to do is to tick all the activities you miss doing with your ex and don’t want to do alone, such as going out for a movie, a coffee and so on. You can then choose what gender buddies you want and then start becoming part of events that are similar to the activities you miss doing.

If you’re not yet sure whether or not this is a good idea, take up group activities and enjoy meeting new people.