Have Doubts About Your Relationship? Here’s How To Deal With It

One needs to overcome the doubts and carry on


No matter how new or old your relationship might be, doubt can creep in anytime and ruin it forever. There is nothing abnormal if you have doubts about your partner or what he or she is up to. What one needs to do is overcome these doubts and carry on, but it’s easier said than done isn’t it? However, there are ways you can deal with it.

Let Your Partner Know Your Fears

Instead of making a mountain of doubts talk to your partner about your fears and insecurities

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Doubts arise from fears of losing your partner. They may also arise from insecurities that your partner might lose interest in you and leave you for good. If you have similar fears or concerns reach out to your partner and discuss about these. Talking can reveal a lot of things wiping your bouts of doubts.

Do Not Leave Space For Doubts

Involve yourself in different activities and work to prevent doubts to sneak into your brain. Join a salsa class or a baking workshop; meet an old friend or go for a movie with your sibling or friends when your partner is busy. This will ensure that you do not have a free mind to allow any doubts to build up.

Doubting Does Not Help

Let me tell you a harsh truth. Doubting won’t help you much. If you have doubts, try talking to your partner. You might get assured once you have had a word with him. However, it might also be that your partner is super good when it comes to lying. Even if that is the case, your doubting will not stop them from cheating. So, if you do not feel reassured, choose to walk out of it. This might be painful in the beginning, but will be good when you think a few days ahead, it’s not the end of the world afterall!

If you still cannot get rid of doubts it is better that you choose to walk out of the relationship

Image Credit: psychologytoday

Avoid People Who Might Be Planting These Doubts

There may be someone who is putting in such thoughts into you. Before you doubt your partner and become judgemental, think where the doubts grew from. Is it a friend or relative who said something that made you suspicious? If so, think if your suspicion is vaild, before you confront your partner.

Avoid Being Rigid About Yours Doubts

There may be someone who is instigating such thoughts. Before you doubt your partner and become judgemental, think where the doubts grew from. Is it a friend or relative who said something that made you suspicious? If so, think if your suspicion is valid, before you confront your partner.

Avoid Being Rigid About Your Doubts

You may have doubts, but you need to stop being rigid about them. Allow your partner the space to prove himself or herself. Never put restrictions on your partner about anything. These will not solve the issue, rather will aggravate it.

Realise that you and your partner are losing beautiful time as you are wasting them by assuming things. Give your partner and relationship a chance. In case, your doubts are true, you will know it sooner or later. Nothing remains hidden for long.

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