Here Are Few Extremely Bizarre Reasons For Breaking Up

Break up karo but not like this yaar!

Image Credit: Movie - Raajneeti

Break up. Patch up. Break up. New date! Break up. Oh it’s a never ending cycle. Welcome to the modern world dating scenario. With the dating culture constantly evolving and modernizing, the reasons why people break up have evolved too. In fact, they evolved a bit too much. The unavoidable question after any and every break up is WHY? The 3-lettered word has a lot of secrets hidden behind its question mark. And many of them are absolutely bizarre, and well hilarious. Let us look at few-

Too Noisy While Chewing Food

Hi, I am Giraffe. I make noise while I chew. Will you date me?

Image Credit: Unsplash

Okay, I am not denying that’s irritating. But one cannot break up over such a silly thing. There is actually a man who dumped her girlfriend for making too much noise while chewing. LMAO! He said he could never plan double dates with his other friends because it was too embarrassing.

I hope you all got your lesson. What? Stay away from men who cannot even bear the noise of you enjoying your food. Eat away sweet girl. Ugh. Wait a minute, what’s that noise?

He Poured The Milk First, Then The Cereal

Oh and what are you doing milady? Huh.

Image Credit: Pexels

Well, last I checked everybody was allowed to have their preferences. What’s wrong with people these days? How can they break up for such petty reasons?

But wait, who pours milk in the bowl before the cereal?? WHO DOES THAT?

He Wore Socks With Sandals


Image Credit: cbc

Next time you find out your partner has taken a really sad and terrible fashion decision, do not run away. Try and tell them what’s wrong with that. But first, try and understand WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM? SOCKS WITH SANDALS??

She Wore The Same Deodorant As My Mother

Oops. That’s tricky? You could’ve requested her to start wearing some other deodorant. No? Maybe not. Anyhow, this is super funny. Did you tell your mom about it? I hope you did.

She Ordered VEG BIRYANI!

when someone says VEG BIRYANI!

Image Credit: Movie – Dangal

This Biryani loving guy was so frustrated after hearing the words “veg biryani” out of her date’s mouth that he ran away from the date. He then went to another restaurant and had proper Chicken Biryani all by himself.

Not cool, man. Not cool. I LIKE VEG BIRYANI. Stop dehumanizing my Biryani!!! Okay I took it too far.

He Used To Say “GOAL!” Every Time He Came

You scored a self goal, mate. Disclaimer: This image has no double meaning.

Image Credit:

Hahahahahahahhaahhh. I really hope the sex was good though. What was the guy even thinking? Poor girl! I am glad she broke up with him. I think he took the goalkeeper joke too seriously. She obviously had to KICK him out of her life. Now that’s really Messi 😛

She Walked Too Slowly

Dude, look behind. Where did you leave her?

Image Credit: upwordtogether

Now hang on. Here’s a woman who is bringing “Dheere Dheere se meri zindagi mein aana” ALIVE for you and what do you do? You run away? What a loser! So what, you had to walk 10 meters ahead of her all the time. So what, you could never walk her home because she always got lost. Oh okay, I get it.

In my research, I found SO MANY more. I cannot even list them all here. But they are all hilarious. Never thought breaking up could be so much fun! Haha!