Here’s Why Holding Hands Is Good For Your Relationship

And celeb couples who are doing it just right


Think of that feeling you get when your partner holds your hand when you are together. Did you get a smile?

If you’re feeling good just thinking about holding hands with your partner, the truth is, there is a lot of scientific reasons why holding hands is good for you, and why it is good for your relationship as well.

1. It Enhances Your Grasp Reflex And Makes You Secure

Have you seen how infants and young babies try and grasp at your finger and hold on to it? This need to hold on is known as grasp reflex and is a crucial aspect in making you feel close to the one you love and want to be with, and also helps you feel safer and secure.

2. It Can Improve The Overall Quality Of Your Life

The human touch factor can boost your sensory stimulation which will help your brain to release the feel happy hormones and improve your mood. This will also help to remove any signs of stress, anxiety and depression and will make you more positive towards life and towards your relationship too.

3. That Feeling Of Belonging Is Just Too Good To Let Go Of

Emma Watson and Chord Overstreet holding hands

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Couples who regularly hold hands whether in public or when they are alone together are the ones who stick together for longer and are happier than the couples who do not necessarily hold hands. This is more to do with the fact that holding hands with the one you love makes you feel more secure and comfortable in your relationship and when your partner reaches out for your hand, it shows that they care for you and need you.

4. It Can Increase The Love Hormone In Your Body

When you hold hands with your partner, your body produces more of the oxytocin hormone that is also known as the love hormone. When this happens, your brain sends signals to your body that there is no danger to you from this person and your threat instincts are lowered, which helps you connect better and in a more relaxed and intimate way than you otherwise would have.

Holding hands, interlocking fingers or putting your arm through your partner’s – how do you hold hands?

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