How To Break Up In Person

When you need to do this face to face, and when to avoid

Image Credit: lighthousetreatmentlive

There is always so much happening with the issue of breaking up. Someone tells you to ghost your date and vanish gradually, someone tells you to do it over text, while some may say the best way to do it is over the phone and simply hang up.

But what about doing it a little more respectfully and breaking up with the person face to face?

While it may not sound like the most preferred choice for you, doing it in person could be a more respectful and better way for the person who is being dumped.

Don’t Make It Sound Like A Date

If you know that you are going to invite the person out to actually break up with them, don’t make it sound as if you are inviting them out for a date. This could really make it even harder for them to come to terms with. Instead, you could give a small hint that maybe this is not actually a date, but something serious you want to talk about. “Can we meet for a cup of coffee? I needed to discuss something important with you” could be one of the ways to put it.

Be Ready To Empathize

It could be easier for you, even if you really like the person but are still breaking up. However, for the one being dumped, things may not be so easy to deal with. While you are going to tell them your decision, it could come as a complete shock to them. Be ready to face their anger and tears, and even give a sympathetic ear to their requests or pleading.

Choose A Neutral Place

Avoid a place that holds memories

Image Credit: readersdigest

When meeting them to break up, don’t meet at a place that holds fond memories for you both. This could make it even more painful for your date to let things go. Instead, choose a place that is neutral and will not make it as traumatizing as otherwise.

Tell Them You Had A Good Time

Breaking up is never easy, and for the one who is being dumped, it could cause a lot of emotional and psychological damage, especially if they are the sensitive types. In that case, speak nicely and say that you had a good time and that you will cherish the memories, but that things cannot work out for whatever reasons and you want to end it on a nice note.

Break up fast and avoid hanging around to talk more, as this could make it more difficult for you both. Say what you have to nicely and respectfully and then take your leave.