How To Build A Real Connection With Someone?

No, I am not talking about networking.

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In the competitive world of business and networking, we tend to forget what it’s like to make real connections. Sure, you have 9879 connections on LinkedIn and sure, you have a huge business network in place but how many of these *connections* can you speak to when you are having a bad time. Friendship is important, it is a gift and we should not ignore it no matter how busy we get. A real connection can be build with the help of a real conversation. A good conversation can take any kind of relationship a very long way. Here’s how.

Let Them Speak!

They should know, you are interested in them.

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Everybody loves to be listened. Be a good listener and try to make the conversation about them. The more you do that, the more involved and special the other person will feel. You will get your share of time to speak about your own stuff but when it comes to starting a conversation with someone you don’t know, you should allow them to take lead. Listen very carefully and remember key points so that you can follow up later and reassure them of how good a listener you are. A good conversations doesn’t come out of speaking, it comes out of listening, responding, and then talking.

Unleash Your Sense Of Humor And Ask Questions

Use your sense of humor to make any and every conversation interesting or at least laughable. If the person you are talking to is laughing, it means they are enjoying the conversation. If the conversation is being enjoyed, it has the potential of being converted into a real connection. It is important that you talk about something that interests you both. A good sense of humor allows you to explore and find that common domain. Another way to do it is by asking good questions. While one of the best way to begin is by asking the classic “Tell me about yourself” question. But, you also go prepared with a stock of good questions that can help you lift your conversation.

Keep Your Phone Aside

You got to give respect to earn respect.

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Checking your phone for texts or taking calls in between gives a really bad taste to the conversation. The connection can never be built if your attention gets divided like that! You want the other person to know that you value their presence and their time. You must make them feel that they have your focus and undivided attention. So the mantra is simple- “Forget you have phone”, that’s the only way to build a connection through an in-person conversation.

At the end of the day, friendships, real connections and relationships are all that will be left with you. Do not underestimate the power and influence it holds in your life.