How To Meet Women On Social Media

Try these tips that will make women comfortable and not block you

Image Credit: insightslexisnexis

Men, we get you. There’s already that notoriously famous line – ‘Wanna Do Fraandship’ that guys are kind of known to be sending women – a lot of us even feel you do it just to see what the woman will do.

But hey, if this has been coming back to you like a boomerang, and if you constantly worry about how you can reach out to a woman on social media without the risk of being blocked, this could be a savior.

Have A Real DP Please

There is nothing more annoying than speaking to a Hrithik Roshan on chat, and meeting someone who is, well, you get it. The moment we see someone else’s pic on the DP, especially that of a celeb, we know this is not going to be that great a chat. And sorry to disappoint you but even if you are that witty and interesting guy we are looking for, the fact that you aren’t comfortable in your own image is kind of a killer (in the bad way that is).

See If There Is A Common Social Circle

Mention if you’re part of her social circle

Image Credit: gwp

You can often find interesting people in the same social circle, such as a woman who is the friend of a female friend you already know, or a woman who is in the same group as you on some social media platform. When you’re sending them a message, do mention this connect, so that it is easier for them to try and find out more about you, which can make them comfortable talking to you.

Don’t Message Her Secretly

In case you have said the first hi and hello, don’t turn this into a secret thing (unless you two decide to do that mutually). Always put in some nice comment or compliment on a public forum, so that she feels that you are not hiding your presence from others, and you’re not a creep who is trying to keep himself away from others who may warn her to stay away from you.

Don’t Connect In The Witching Hours

Initially, it is best to share your messages in the day, instead of reaching out to her in the midnight hour, or very late at night. This could make you come across as one of those guys who is always searching for women’s profiles late at night. Instead, send her a message in the morning and wish her a good day, or tell her what coffee you had and if she is also a coffee person. This could be a great conversation point too!

Be yourself and don’t try to imitate anyone else. And whatever you do, please stay away from any cheesy lines, please.