Is Your Date Still Thinking Of Their Ex?

These signs could show that the faded someone is still around

Image Credit: TV Series - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Your date seems to be really interested in you and you both have quite the good time when you’re together.

But have you ever felt there is still a possibility that they may be still interested in their ex, or just can’t seem to get over?

It surely takes a lot of time, trouble and heartache to properly get over your ex.

But if you are worried that your date is kind of still attached to their ex, without realizing it themselves or telling you about it directly, and that it may have some impact on your relationship, then you can check for these signs that might point to it.

Does The Name Crop Up Now And Then?

You guys could be watching a movie, or sitting at a café, or just walking together somewhere, and suddenly the ex’s name comes up in some context. Could be that your date saw someone there who dressed like the ex, or you both are watching a movie where there is a situation that reminded them of the ex. Basically things happen that they still associate with their ex.

You Could Be Re-Visiting The Same Spots

Do past references come up often?

Image Credit: foreigngirlfriend

Your date takes you out somewhere or plans a special day in a certain way, and then, as you’re all set to enjoy yourselves, you hear that this is the place where your date used to come over with the ex. Or that this is the dish or drink that the ex loves. Or their favourite joint to hang around on a date. If your date is recreating those ex memories with you, they are surely not over those feelings, at least to some extent.

The Comparison Game Is On

This could be a positive or a negative thing, meaning that you do something nice or something that your date does not like and they compare it with how their ex also used to do the same, or how they were different. It is possible that even if your date does not keep talking about their ex, they do compare some of your behavior or characteristics with them.

The Give Away

Your date is still somewhat in touch with the ex, and when that happens, whether it is on a call or message, or even on a face to face meeting, they either turn into a different person altogether, or you feel as if for that moment and some time after that, you don’t really exist.

We don’t need to tell you what you need to do, unless you’re happy playing around in this triangle of sorts.