Is Your Partner Ghosting You?

How to spot the signs and get out when you’re not wanted


You’ve probably been through the silent treatment in your relationship, whether you meted it out or were at the receiving end.

But hey, are you also being ghosted?

Not sure what that means?

Well, ghosting is a newly-popular term that is especially associated with the smartphone wielding era and refers to a situation when your partner, or potential partner or date, suddenly stops talking to you or communicating with you without giving any explanation for the same.

It’s literally the end of all communication, with no more messages, no more replies to texts and definitely no more calls, whether it is a call they didn’t make or didn’t take. Also, they are suddenly too busy to go out with you or be a part of any of your plans, and always have something more important and pressing to attend to.

While you may think this can only happen to those couples who have been in a relationship for long and are now bored and have left nothing to talk about anymore, it can actually happen to anyone and at any point in your relationship, whether it is just a few days or weeks old, or even on the first date.

Is your partner ghosting you?

Does your partner always try to cancel plans that you make or are planning to make? Do they always have something else they are caught up with? Is it always you who takes the initiative to make a plan while your partner has not tried to make a single plan in the last few times that you remember?

Suddenly it seems like your partner has nothing more to say to you

Image Credit: noharpatrika

Or is your partner suddenly not responding to your messages and calls? And in case you do happen to get through, the standard reply is that they will get back, that they are doing something else right now, or there are others around, but they never get back to calling you or meeting up?

What about social media? Did your partner disappear off your social media page? Have you been deleted or blocked? Are they telling you they removed you because they are no longer really active on social media?

And if, by any great chance of the powers up there, you do manage to meet in person, it seems like they don’t have anything to say any more?

If it sounds bad, it is worse for those who go through it for real. Be prepared that ghosting isn’t something that your partner is doing just to show off anger. It could be a long-term issue between you two. So either take it by the horns and do the ‘talk’ or let it go.

Read Also: 5 Ways You Are Hurting Your Partner Without Realizing