It’s Happy Propose Day Today, So If You’re Daring For It, All The Best

If you’ve been waiting to propose, do it today!


The pressure is on people, what with the big day of love less than a week away!

You’re already doing something about it we assume, and whether you’ve chosen that one person, or are planning to go out there and just propose as many lovely people as you can, a few tips never hurt.

Get away from the crowd

If you’re doing this just for fun, then you can propose anywhere you want and the setting and timing doesn’t really matter. But if you want something more long term and serious with this person, make sure to do it in a special way that will mean something to them too. Get a moment away from the crowd – it has to be all about the two of you.

Choose a special place

If you and your crush have a place where you frequent, such as a café, a bookstore, a gaming area (yes, that also can be a special place for someone who loves gaming!), then ask out the big question there.

Ladies, if you’re waiting for the man to propose too, remember to check the calendar please. It’s 2018! Which means you can propose too

Image Credit: The Proposal

Make it personal

In an age of sms and whatsapp proposals, where everything you do is online and virtual, what better than bringing a personal touch to what you want to say? If you’re not sure about how to say it out loud in person, it’s even better to write down your thoughts. For some of us, especially if you are someone like me, words flow easily while penning them down, rather than when you’re speaking face to face. Just take a sheet and write down everything you feel about this person and why you want them in your life. Irrespective of whether it is a yes or a no, they will love and appreciate the effort you took.

But what if you don’t have someone to propose?

Don’t worry, if you still haven’t found someone you can propose, or if things are far from going from single to double, relax.

For those of you who aren’t planning to propose, or have not yet understood how to or what the whole fuss is about, go and irritate your couple friends. That’s what friends are for, right? 😉

Read Also: Romantic Getaways For Valentines’ Day