Did You Know Morning Sex Has Some Great Benefits?

What Do You Think About Steamy Mornings?


Mornings are lazy at start but soon turn out to be a hectic affair with daily chores like workout, breakfast and getting dressed for work. While most couples say that they have no time to get it on in the mornings, a new study suggests that morning sex is the best for you.

According to a recent survey, couples who followed a routine of getting steamy in the mornings have been able to last longer and even managed to remain fresh all through the day. The study claims that a 7.30 am quickie will give you the much-needed boost for the entire day. Men’s testosterone levels are highest in the morning and hence it will be your best sesh. There has also been an observation that morning sex gets you a healthier post-coital glow.

Also, a morning routine means that you won’t return home tired from work in which case you would have completely lost the opportunity to get things heated up. You could save your time by hopping into the shower together every once in a while, thus making sure none of you gets late to work.

The high you will get from a morning quickie is even recorded much better than a cup of coffee. Who knew that for you to cut down on heavy caffeine in the morning, there are much better options available!

Look forward to mornings more often now?