Love Lessons From Your Grandma

When Grandma turns Love Guru!


Grandmothers are the best when it comes to being great listeners and advisors. In most cases, you may not get along on some points with your mothers but grandmoms always come to rescue. When it comes to love lessons, they have some great advice on what to do and what not to do.

Here are some love lessons from Grandma:

1. Never Lose Yourself For Someone

At the very early dating stage, my Grandma gave me the biggest love lesson. It was that if you want to be with someone, they have to take you as you are. Don’t change yourself to receive love. It’s easy to impress someone by pretending but in the long run, it will only end up hurting your self-worth.

2. Find Someone Who Makes You Laugh

While many think the sense of humor may be an overrated quality, I was told that there’s nothing like having the love of your life light up your mood with a joke or two. If he can make you laugh then he can stop you from crying is what Grandma said.

3. Don’t Rush Into Conclusions

Grandma always said that if you have found ‘the one’, don’t jump to the final step. Take things slow, enjoy one another’s company, learn about their likes and dislikes before committing for a lifetime.

4. Take Control When Needed

If you have been toying the idea of asking someone out for a while, take control and go ahead. You don’t have to wait for the guy to approach you or spend time wondering what would it be like to be with him.

5. Greatest Love Lies In Expression

If you can’t express your love, you are yet to experience its magic. It’s not about the big gestures but even small things like seeking each other’s help, taking care of one another without any expectations that count and also, how to express love without the mandatory ‘I Love You’.