Love Lessons Learnt From Serendipity

Do you believe falling in love is a Fortunate Accident?


The film, Serendipity is and will always be one of my all time favourite romcoms, one of those films; I can watch anytime anywhere and any number of times. Am a sucker for fate, destiny and romance so maybe that’s why the film appealed to me. Besides that I also love the meaning of Serendipity: Fortunate Accidents.

John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale starrer, Serendipity, is about two characters; Jonathan and Sarah who bump into each other when they both reach out for the last pair of black gloves while on a Christmas shopping spree. Like we take home something from every film we watch, there are some love lessons that one can learn from this film too.

You can find love in the strangest places

The movie Serendipity begins with a scene at an overcrowded and almost out of stock store, with a whole lot of Christmas shoppers, that’s exactly where the two characters meet for the first time and fall in love. Both of them were shopping for a pair of black gloves I for one hate the whole mall culture and shopping at malls especially during festivals and weekends but after watching Serendipity, I visit the mall every busy season in the hope to someday meet someone like John Cusak. And probably share a frozen hot chocolate with!


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It’s ok to be in a relationship yet fall head over heels in love with someone else

At the time the two of them meet, they are both in a relationship with other people but they instantly fall in love over an afternoon that they spend together. We’re all humans, after all, feelings change. BUT it’s only fair to move away from the relationship if you are unhappy. Be honest with your partner and tell them you love someone else.

Believe in fate and destiny BUT also take action

When the two of them realise that they’re both in committed relationships, they go their separate ways and leave the rest to fate. They don’t see each other for years but destiny brings them back together. However, if you love someone that madly, just take action, don’t wait till the last minute like they did in the movie. It’s criminal to be in an unhappy relationship while you wait for fate to take action

Follow your heart

Sometimes you meet someone and you instantly know they are the one. Always listen to your heart just like the two characters did in the film. They drop everything they are doing and just go looking for each other, because it’s what their heart desired even though their head said something else. So follow your instincts and always listen to your heart.


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Wishing you some Fortunate Accidents this Serendipity Day!