What NOT to say on your Childhood Crush’s Wedding Day?

You better not say these things!


We all remember our high school sweethearts who made us go a little crazy and smile a lot. Well, how can we ever forget them? We would walk a little faster in the hallway to be next to them and walk late to class. We have all been there and done that. Do we regret it? Of course not! Childhood crushes are the best.

But then, somewhere along the line life happens to you, and you move out of the bubble into the real world. Even though you swore you could never forget them, you meet other people and you realize how naïve one could be when they are young. And then you wake up one fine morning to learn that they are getting married and you stare at the invitation card, having no idea as to what to do.

After a lot of thinking you finally decide to attend the wedding. But there are some things that we need to keep in mind when we meet our childhood crush on their wedding day. ‘coz remember you are not children anymore!

What NOT to say if you decide to go?

  • “I have been thinking about you/I miss you” – that’s a big NO. It will make things awkward, especially if your crush doesn’t say it back and in all probability, he/she won’t. He/she is getting married for god’s sake!
  • “There are many things that I’d like to say but I don’t know how” – what are you thinking? Don’t say this unless you really want to get punched in the face by the “would be” husband/wife.
  • “I want you to want me instead of your husband/wife”- yes sure! And the perfect day to spill this out is the wedding day. What are you expecting? It’s not a 90’s rom-com. You will probably be thrown out of the party and if not, your crush will definitely regret inviting you.
  • “Do you love him/her?”  chances are, he/she does. But people can marry for all kinds of reason and you really don’t want to turn the wedding day into a morose confessional.
  • “You have put on weight” no one wants to hear this. This will just kill their vibes.

Don’t start any sentence with “remember the time when…” how does it matter? Going down the memory lane can be all kinds of things. That’s risky business. And it might be a lot more difficult for you than your crush. You don’t want to do that to yourself.

Steer clear of all these and you will have a gala time because weddings are so vibrant and always resonating with limitless energy. Just be casual and have fun when you meet your old friends. If you are single, you might even meet someone great at his/her wedding!