Old School Dating Rules That Might Work Even Now

Old school romance could bring some freshness to your new-age relationship.

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We may live in the instant make-up, instant break-up age but there are some things that are still nice when they are old-fashioned. There’s nothing more endearing than a vintage romantic gesture.

If you’re thinking of adding a little spice to your relationship, why not go old school? Vintage romance was driven by simplicity and maybe its time we bring back that innocence.

Here are some old school dating rules that may work now too:

Instead Of Texting, Call Your Partner

Call your partner to tell them how much you love them

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Texting has made our life easier but it has also made us a little less involved in our relationship. Why not call your significant other and tell them how listening to their voice makes your day. Discuss how your day has been going with one another. It is important to say your ‘I Love Yous’ than typing them.

Writing Love Notes Is A Good Idea When It Comes To Expressing Your Love

Writing is a great form of expression and especially to say things to your lover

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Ask your grandparents about their love stories and you’d probably hear about the letters they wrote to one another. While today the distance may not be such a big issue, it would still be lovely to receive handwritten notes. You could write the smallest of messages like an appreciation for a gesture that your partner did or how proud you are of their achievements. The best part about these notes is that you can save them and cherish those moments for years.

Surprise Your Partner With Flowers

Flowers are the best way to bring a smile on your partner’s face

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Nobody said that bringing home flowers was only for birthdays or anniversaries. If you know that your partner has been slogging all day at work, it would be nice to bring them some flowers just to cheer them up. Flowers say a lot and you don’t need words to express what you mean.

It’s A Good Idea To Walk Home Your Partner After Your Date

Taking walks together will only bring you closer to your partner

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Dating isn’t only about Tinder. You may set up a date over any of the dating apps but why not go old school when it comes to the actual date. Go old school and ask your date if you can pick them up from their place and go to the restaurant together. If all goes well, take a walk and drop them home. These are small gestures that show how much you care and that you want to spend as much time you can get with them.

There’s Nothing Wrong In Waiting Before You Jump Into The Sack Together.

Sleeping together is a big step and it can wait until three dates

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Not all dates have to end up in bed. Respect your partner’s choices and in fact, ask them if you can take things slow for a change. Most old-school romances were all about ‘the wait’. Why not follow the old three date rule wherein you wait till things get physical.

Even in 2018, it is possible to enjoy a timeless romance with these little changes in your lifestyle.