People To Avoid If You Want A Happy Date

These warning signs can help you avoid that mistake

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Love is not blind actually, we kind of are. When you start meeting someone, the warning signs are almost always there, but it’s just that we are not able to see them, or don’t acknowledge them.

The reason you’re going out on a date is that you want to be happy and meet someone you can have a good time with. So why not use your filter list and keep those out that you know for sure will make life miserable for you later?

An Emotional Overload

This is something in which your date will display too much of their emotions for reasons that don’t even merit it. For instance, they may be too excited, too upset, too anxious, too worried, too angry, too suspicious, too sad and so on -you’ll spot the signs in the duration of your conversation. This may not be a problem right now, but eventually, it can make it impossible to have even a regular conversation.

Too Negative And Pessimistic

Too much negativity around you can eventually bog you down

Image Credit: pikapost

There is only so much positivity and happiness you can spread and share on your own, and if your date is always the negative one, trying to balance that out can take a toll on you. No matter what you say or do, it is possible that your date will only see the negative in everything. Sometimes, such people also use this as an excuse to avoid doing things, and this can get really frustrating.

Already Jealous And Controlling

Imagine you’re telling your date about your ex and they already start getting jealous and tell you how you shouldn’t be talking to your date anymore, or how to stay away from them and so on. At first you may think this is cute, but in reality, this is freaky and something you want to stay away from.

Too Strong Opinions

Some people are often too closed to listening to anything that does not match with their thoughts, ideals and ideas. This can get difficult, because you may find it impossible to reach out and make them understand your point of view. For them, things are only in black and white, and there is no in-between space that they are ready to talk about.

There’s a ton of people out there that you can date. So if your date has any of these danger signs, do yourself a favour and get away.