Read These Dating Tips If You Are A Shy Human

Being shy doesn’t mean you cannot go out on dates, right? You can be shy and yet, happily date.

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Approaching the person you have a crush on and actually talking to them sounds like an alien concept to many. They just can’t do that, they are too shy for it. These are the people who prefer to stay hidden, always. They seek zero attention. If they like someone, it will just be that. Because making efforts would put them in a dreadfully uncomfortable situation. So, all shy people do about crushing on someone is “secretly admiring” them. But you know what? There’s so much you can do! No, I am not asking you to overcome your shyness. Be who you are and yet, date who you want or at least try to! Here’s how.

Avoid Miscommunication

You don’t have to be outgoing in order to date.

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It is important to make sure that you are perceived as someone shy and not anything else. Shy people are of the most misunderstood lot. Not being able to approach someone head on often gives an impression that you are not interested in talking to them. It is entirely possible for you to be perceived as arrogant or boring. Avoid that by being little expressive. Little exchange of smiles and welcoming body language can do wonders!

2 Easy Tricks: Do What You Love And Prepare Yourself Before A Date

Do what you love! This will help you in owning your shyness. When you do what you love and are passionate about, it makes you look very attractive to other people (Yay). Also, when you do what you love to do, you have a good topic to talk about without necessarily acting shy.

And when you get a date, go well prepared. Make up come conversation starters in your head and revise the things you really like. This will keep you from going all dumb in front of your date. You are shy, you are not dumb. So, do not let your date think you are. And if it comes to it, you can also talk to your date about your shyness.

It’s Okay To Be Shy

Own your shyness, don’t overcome it.

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Being shy is not a bad thing. It is just who you are and you shouldn’t have to change your entire personality for a date, right? So, please don’t. Instead, embrace your shyness. Be very fond of yourself and be genuinely proud of your own personality. You are in fact a humble person who doesn’t feel the need to be the centre of everybody’s attention. Now that sounds like an incredible person! You may not believe it but there are people who actually prefer to date shy people. It is because shy people have these amazing personality traits like being good listeners, being modest, being thoughtful and so on!

At the end of the day, dating is all about finding someone you are compatible with and then spending some quality time with them. Focus on that. Do not focus on your shyness. Embrace it and move on!