How To Save Your Guy Best Friend’s Relationship, Especially If You’re A Tomboy!

You both don’t mind giving those ‘bro hugs’, but it’s hard for others to believe that you are best buddies!

How to save your Guy Best Friend's Relationship, especially if you’re a Tomboy!

If you are a tomboy, chances of having a guy best friend are very high. For a guy, having a tomboy best friend feels like ‘one of his brothers’. You both don’t mind giving those ‘bro hugs’, cracking sexual innuendos, tagging each other in various posts on Facebook, talking about random things etc. You both hang out almost everywhere together. People come under the impression that you’re dating each other. But, that’s not true, it’s hard to believe for them though.

Some are jealous and often feel insecure about your friendship especially his girlfriend! Though he loves his girlfriend more, she still thinks that something’s cooking between you two and she may lose him to you. And you have been the reason for fights between them many times. Neither do you want them to break up nor do you want to lose your best friend at all?

Here are some ways which can help you to retain your friendship and also make his girlfriend dig her nails out of you.

Avoid being around when they both are together.

Never make plans which include his girlfriend. His girlfriend might feel neglected with you around. Avoid tagging along on their date. He might be ok with that but his girlfriend may not!

Give your best friend some space.

Now, this may hurt you, because you love your best friend, not in that way but otherwise. The person who makes your dull day brighter, going away from him would be the last thing you’d ever want to happen. But it’s time for you to understand that now you shouldn’t pile yourself upon him. Don’t be distant from him, but don’t call him in every few hour to just gossip with him. Don’t make plans every second day with him. Instead, give yourself some ‘me time’ and give company to your own self.

Always be there for him when he’s down.

However, whatever be the situation, never leave him when he needs your help. After all, you both are Best Friends! If he needs your advice and asks for it then trust yourselves and advice him which will benefit him and not you or his girlfriend. If he’s going through a tough phase then be there for him. That’s what best friends are for, right?

I’m sure these tips will help you to maintain your friendship and also his relationship.

Read Also: 7 Ways To Help Your Friend Cope With A Bad Relationship