Should You Date Someone In An Open Relationship?

Rein in your expectations when dating someone in an open relationship

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To be clear in the beginning, an open relationship is one where a couple agrees to get into sexual relationships with others, while still being in one. Thus, there are feeble chances that the person would be ready for commitment outside the relationship he or she already has.

Keep It As A Fling

Know that your partner is already into a relationship which they would not let go off

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Never expect commitment from the person in open relationship. They are already into a relationship and are just looking for sexual relationships apart from their partners. So, although they may engage in sexual activities with you, they will not get emotionally involved. However, people who are not okay with the idea of open relationship themselves might find it emotionally difficult to discover at the end that they cannot be with the person they are dating. It is not advisable to date someone in an open relationship. However, if you do, be ready to think of it a fling, and not expecting any strings of attachment. So, the moment you might ask your partner for commitment or more time, they might gradually or suddenly disappear into thin air.

You Cannot Feel Jealous About Their Other Partners

A person in an open relationship is sure to have multiple partners with whom they are physically involved. If you are dating them, do not hope for them to stop getting involved with other partners. People in open relationships are only looking for sex and no other emotional bonds, and no relationship can be built solely on the physical intimacy bit. Before you date someone in an open relationship, know that you are going to be the ‘other person’ in somebody’s relationship, and that too without getting anything other than sex in return. Dating someone in an open relationship will mostly lead to heartbreak. Hearing the three magical words will never be possible if you are dating someone who is in an open relationship.

Dating someone in an open relationship needs you to be bold and practical. Dating someone even after knowing that they can never commit to you and only you, is a tough choice that you would be making. In case, the relationship between you two breaks, be prepared to move on rather than crying over spilt milk.

Read Also: Things You Need To Know Before Opting For An Open Relationship?