Signs That Your Partner Does Not Respect You

You should notice it from the way he speaks and behaves

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No relationship is perfect. While everything seems hunky dory light and glory at the onset of love, the more time you spend with your partner, the more aware you are of his or her faults. How much do we want to deal with everything that our partner has to offer is a tough decision that we have to take.

When we get into a relationship, we have dreams of togetherness, we have dreams of the future. All the love blooms initially only fade in the long run. What we tend to forget most of the times is that it takes more than just love to keep a relationship and make it stronger. Tough times will come, there will be differences, there will also be ugly fights and misunderstandings.

Amidst all the confusion, there is one thing that will keep your relationship alive, and that is respect. If the respect fades with the passage of time, then there is hardly any point of thinking about a safe and secure future with your partner.

These signs will tell you that you are not being respected enough by your partner:

Communication Is The Key

There is no such thing that cannot be solved by a decent conversation. Whatever your problem may be, if you see that your partner does not pay enough attention to what you have to say, it is a red flag. And not just about problems, it can be about how your day was, or anything random. If your partner is not lending ears to what you have to say, then chances are that he or she is running low on respect for you.

Playing The Blame Game

Blaming you for any and every issue is surely a sign of disrespect for you

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Arguments and fights are a part and parcel of every relationship. It is but obvious that you will not agree to everything that your partner has to say, and vice versa. However, if during any argument, your partner resorts to blaming you instead of logically solving the issue, then that’s an ominous sign of disrespect. It will feel like they don’t give two hoots about your side of the story. They just want to blame you and make you feel worse about yourself.

Black Or White; A Lie Is A Lie

This is the major thing about respect. If your partner respects you, then he or she will never have to lie about anything. There are times in your relationship when you may not feel that strongly in love with your partner. However, if you have caught your partner lying to you, then it’s best considering the longevity of that relationship. Honesty has always been the best policy, and to secure any relationship, that must be followed.

Not Giving Enough Priority

Space is a must in all relationships. You cannot cling to your partner all the time and expect that the lovey-dovey phase will remain forever. However, giving ample space to your partner does not mean that he or she uses it as an excuse to not prioritize you. We all know that if someone wants to find time out for you, he will find that time out no matter what. So if you see that you are not your partner’s priority, and he or she blames it on the work pressure or his usual forgetfulness, then that’s a sign of disrespect.

It’s never too late to mend your ways. If you think the love and respect have been lost between you, then it is best to move on. There is no point in watering a plant that is already dead.