Taking Your Pet Along While Moving In With Your Partner? Know What To Expect

Your partner or your pet, who would you choose?


You love pets and you own one and you’re planning to move in together with your significant other, it’s wise to remember that while you might think that your furry friend is the best thing that ever happened to you, your partner might think otherwise. An animal can sometimes become a wedge in a relationship. Before moving in, it is wise to discuss openly about the pet, pet-related allergies etc. Otherwise, you might just have to be ready to give up the relationship or wedding like this Bangalore girl, Karishma Walia did. She was in the news last year for breaking off her marriage because her fiancé didn’t want her to bring her pet dog along with her after marriage.

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While you might find your dog chewing your shoes cute, your partner might want to run away! Here are things to keep in mind and expect if you are taking your pet along when you move in with your partner:

Don’t expect your partner to immediately love your pet

(Image credits: pintrest)

Let them take their time to warm up to your pet, for someone who has never lived with pets before, it will be a little difficult to get used to having an animal around. So don’t expect him/ her to go gaga about your pet.

Read Also: Dog Training As A Career

Walk the dog yourself

(Image credits: indiatimes)

Just because you have moved in together don’t expect them to take the responsibility of your pet. Things like feeding the dog, walking the dog, taking the dog to the vet etc. should be done by you. If he or she volunteers readily then that’s a bonus!

Learn to trust them with your pet

Just like helicopter parents who hover around their kids all the time, don’t be a helicopter et owner. If your partner is willing to take care of the dog, trust them and let them do it in their own style. Just inform them about what should be fed etc. and leave the rest to them. Let them bond with the pet in a way they are comfortable. Basically be open to change and give them the control.

Read Also: Offices Where You Can Take Your Pet Along

Pet needs can become an issue

Keeping a pet might look like a lot of fun but there are a lot of expenses involved too. While your partner might pool in for the pet expenses, that’s not always the case, your partner might have issues about spending money on pet needs, vet visits, pet food etc. Its wiser to issues like who pays for the pet clear right from the beginning.

Choices can get difficult

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You and your significant other might be in love but sometimes you may have to make a crucial decision when your partner is against having a pet in the house. While it’s difficult to decide who you want to keep more, especially if you are a pet lover, it’s wiser to take that decision before going any further. For someone who’s lived with pets all their lives, life might be odd without them.

If you are a pet lover and your pet means the world to you, the best thing to do is ask yourself before getting into a relationship; Would you love a man or woman who doesn’t like pets? If you can figure that out then half of your problem is solved!