The Simple Secrets Of A Healthy Friendship

Friendships are easy to find but difficult to maintain.

Image Credit: Movie - 3 Idiots

It is easy to say that you’re a good friend. But are you, really? Unlike romantic relationships, friendships don’t have a break-up where you sit and analyze where the relationship went wrong. But just like any other relationship in your life, a friendship is full of emotions and has a journey of itself. Savor it and cherish your way to a Jai-Veeru status!

Be Real!

Drunk or not, have the heart to tell them the truth.

Image Credit: Movie – Kal Ho Naa Ho

Be their mirror. Tell them when they screw up. Tell them to get it together when need be. Be a reliable friend and not one who will sugar coat their way to a world of delusion. As a friend, it is your sacred duty to keep giving reality checks every now and then. Letting them live in a bubble means you’re slacking as a friend. Imagine having a person who will not only straight up tell you your flaws but also won’t judge you for them. Help them get over their flaws because that’s what friends are for. You know the value of a real friend when you need one. Don’t you? So, go ahead and be that exact person for your friends.

Don’t Bitch About Them

You are allowed to get fed up of your friends. Well, of course, you’re not going to love them all 24 hours of the day. In the moment when you think you’ve had enough of their shit, take a step back and go take a walk (metaphorically). The best thing to do is to talk about it – but only to your friend (the one you’re upset with). If you think you’re ‘venting’ it out while you’re indulging in a conversation about your friend and their flaws to a third party – that, my friend, is called bitching. There is no other way to put it, no matter what your situation is! As frustrated as you might be, it is a matter of integrity to stomach your feelings and only discuss it with the appropriate person. Anything else is simply unhealthy.

Pro Tip: If they bitch about their friends in front of you, they will stop at nothing to sell you out too.

Pamper Them

Make sure to make them feel special every once in a while.

Image Credit: Movie – Dostana

Just like your ‘SO’, your friends need some pampering too. Take them out for random friend-dates, buy them a bucket of ice cream when they’re low or buy them that killer pair of jeans they were eyeing on your last shopping trip together. A good friend cares enough to keep the spark alive, even in a friendship. Your friend should know you value them and you’re stepping it up. Don’t stop until you believe you’ve gotten as close to the #FriendshipGoals as it gets.

Single Or Not, The Friendship Survives

Make sure you got each other’s back. Now, and always!

Image Credit: Movie – Desi Boyz

A friendship shouldn’t become a matter of convenience when either of you get into a relationship. Kudos on landing a partner you love, but nothing will justify letting your friendship suffer for it. Of course, your partner and the things you do together will take up some space in your life, but don’t kick your valuable friendships out of the picture altogether. We know it is difficult to turn your partner down for a night out, but if you already have plans scheduled with your friends – do not ditch. *Major judgment is happening if you’re one of those people*. There is a special place in heaven for people who have let no relationship affect their degree of friendship. #Respect bro!

A friendship is a two-way street. It is special and it is full of love in its own unique way. Don’t miss out on a single opportunity of having your own.