Things Not To Discuss With Your Girlfriend’s Friends Ever

Hey girls... I can't say more than that!


Most girls find it highly important for their boyfriends to have a good rapport with their close friends. Every girlfriend loves to hear it from her friends that her partner is perfect.

Even though Sex and the city character, Carrie Bradshaw’s girl gang may have had a problem with Big wrecking her life up with every break-up, in the heart of hearts they wanted to see the love story have a happy ending.

But while a good equation between these two forces is mandatory, there are a few topics that may not go well with your girlfriend.

Here’s looking at few things you shouldn’t discuss with your SO’s friends:

1. Her Shortcomings

Never, I repeat never tell your girlfriend’s friends about what their shortcomings are. They are the wrong people to discuss what problems you’re having with them. Nobody likes to let their friends in on any kind of problems you may be having with your significant other and especially any complaints about them. Topics such as she may be gaining weight are to be avoided for sure.

2. Your Ex Stories

Don’t tell your girlfriend’s gal pals how they remind you of their ex in any way or discuss your past relations with them. This could create problems with your girlfriend if there is any kind of miscommunication from her friend’s side.

3. Bedroom Conversations

Never let out the conversations you have with your partner among any of your friends. There’s a chance that you may give out a big chunk of information that’s enough for the gossip mongers. Also, these are meant to be private conversations that need not be addressed to anyone.

4. Issues With Their Family

If you’re having problems with their family or have a problem with their siblings, don’t go rant about it to her friends. This can be considered as backbiting and that’s the last thing you want to do. Such problems must be discussed only with the partner.

5. You’re Planning To Break-Up

If you’re planning to break-up with your partner, don’t make it a public issue. There’s nothing worse than them finding of it through their friends. It could be highly embarrassing and hurtful for your partner.