Tips To Deal With A Pet Loving SO

Smelly cat... smelly cat... what are they feeding you?


There a lot of things you and your significant other may not agree on but pets are a different thing altogether. It’s as good as having babies. Can you imagine how difficult it would be?

Let’s face it one of the most important questions people ask on dates is either “Are you a pet person?” or “A dog or a cat person?”.

Here are a few tips how you can deal with a pet-loving significant other:

1. Try Getting Friendly With The Pet

You don’t want to be in a situation where the pet gets to sleep in the bedroom while you’re shifted to the couch because of your unfriendly behaviour. It’s best if you too get as friendly as you can to the pet. Bonding with them will show your partner that you care about their choices.

2. Be Responsible When Needed

You may not be a pet-friendly person but if your significant other is counting on you to take care of their pet, you do it well. Learn about important details and share the responsibility with your partner. Let your partner trust you when it comes to taking care of their pets.

3. Don’t Hate Them Because You’re Allergic

There may be a possibility that you’re allergic to Cats or Dogs and having them in the same house can be tough. In such a case, you may not be fit to mingle with them but don’t go around hating them either. You will only end up hurting your partner if you go on cursing the poor pets.

4. Don’t Make Your SO Choose Between You Two

Don’t ever ask your SO to choose between you and the pet. If they want to spend time with both of you, there’s always a nice way of going for a walk in the park with your pet. Dog-walking together is a fun activity.