What To Text After The First Date

From immediately after the date ends to the time you fall asleep, this is what you can text!

Image Credit: jaumo

So you thought it was only the initial before you meet your date time that was making you nervous? Well, what about the time when you met your date for the first time, and are wondering now what to text and tell them?

Whether to text immediately or late, whether to say a lot or speak in small phrases – the phase after that first date can be quite daunting.

If you’re sitting right there and wondering that this seems like just the situation you are in, we could help.

If You Want To Message Very Soon After The Date

A great way to open up a conversation almost as soon as the date ends, say about in an hour after you said goodbye to your date, is to ask if they reached home safe. In case you dropped them off, you can still use the same way to start a conversation, by asking if things were fine back home when they reached. This will immediately give out the signal that you’re a nice and caring person, especially if you’re a guy who is writing this to a girl.

Show Them You Want To Date Again

Let’s do this again

Image Credit: elitedaily

If you loved how the date went and are already thinking of ways to meet again, but not sure if this will come across as desperate, you can easily send a text that will show them you loved the time spent together. Say something such as “I’m thinking we both had a good time, and need to do this again” – a cute way to put across your feeling and also sneak in a quiet compliment when your text says that you had a good time.

In Case The Date Was A Bit Awkward But You Want It Again, Try This

A lot of us go through first dates that don’t go the way we planned it out, especially because one of us is nervous, or something just gets in the way. If you think yours went a little awkward, but that you really want to see that person again, try sending a text that kind of explains it but tells them you want to meet up again. “Thanks for giving a perfect end to a horrible day I was having. And sorry for being awkward, can I make it up to you soon?” This will tell them that you’re honest about your feelings and that you liked what you saw.

Give your date some time to respond to your message. If it’s already pretty late at night and you still haven’t got the reply, sign off by sending a hug emoji and wishing them a good night sleep.