5 Lesser Known Facts About Khajuraho

There is more to Khajuraho than meets the eye. See beyond the erotica to discover a rich heritage.


Nestled amidst the rivers Khodar, Ken and Beni Sagar in central India, lays the popular tourist destination of Khajuraho. Frequented by domestic and foreign visitors, the place is often teeming with crowds, touts, and petty traders.

While it is often neglected on the bucket-list of many travellers, it is a must visit for its rich culture, architecture and historical splendor. Let us move beyond the prevalent perspective to acknowledge the deeper treasures of Khajuraho.

1. Against the popular perception of Khajuraho as a cradle of Kamasutra carvings, the reality is that erotica engraves a minimum of walls around the temple. Most of the carvings depict the life and times of the local folks during the construction of the temple. For instance, the sculpture of the sculptors carving an elephant.

(Image credits: sonyaandtravis.com)

2. The sensual sculptures are not the main theme surrounding the temple. In fact, there are no such sculptures inside the temple. The sensual sculptures are left outside the temple walls, away from the main deity.

(Image credits: wordpress.com)

3. The 22 standing temples are mere remnants of the glorious past. The Chandela rulers built 85 temples! Why the temple groups are divided into 3 categories Western, Eastern and Southern is still unknown.

(Image credits: staticflickr.com)

4. The intermingling of Rajput and Mughal culture over history has endowed Khajuraho with a unique cuisine. The specialty is the use of whole spices, rather than the usual powdered form.

(Image credits: dalbaatichurma.in)

5. You can also get a taste of Khajuraho in Rajasthan.

(Image credits: blogspot.com)

Whilst you travel to Khajuraho, watch out for these nuances to acknowledge the true spirit behind this historical wonder.