5 Places To Visit In Rajasthan For A Spooky Holiday

If spine-chilling holidays is what you like then these spooky places in Rajasthan is a must visit.

5 Places To Visit In Rajasthan For A Spooky Holiday

If you thought Rajasthan was all about Rani Padmavati, palaces and forts then you are mistaken. Rajasthan also has some places to spook the daylights out of you! read on to know more.

Kuldhara Village

The abandoned village also known as Ghost town

Image Credit: happytrips.com

This is a village in Rajasthan that is also known as Ghost town since it’s been abandoned for almost 200 years. The Archeological Survey of India protects this village became desolate almost overnight when all the residents fled. Myths say that the settlement was cursed that no one could ever settle there. People have claimed that only the extremely brave-hearted will be able to survive the night in this village!

Bhangarh Fort

Don’t be fooled by the beautiful entrance

Image Credit: flickr.com

The Bahangarh Fort between Jaipur and Alwar which lies the ruined town of Bhangarh is one of the most famous, haunted spots in India. Constructed by King Madho Singh, it is said that the place has some supernatural presence. There are also several myths about the place and it is forbidden to enter the premises before sunrise and after sunset. According to the locals, strange sounds can be heard from the fort at times.


The possessed people in Sudhabay Ghost Fair

Image Credit: chokhidhani.com

Have you ever heard of a Ghost Fair, well in Sudhabay, Pushkar, they celebrate it every year? At this fair person possessed by evil spirits come to get themselves rid of it. While it is said that people are also possessed by spirits here. Visit at your own risk because the next one to be possessed could be you!


The roads that the witches take

Image Credit: .bp.blogspot.com

Looking at Jagatpura that is crowded and populated, it is difficult to believe that it is haunted. However, in this little town in Rajasthan, it is believed that witches come and haunt the roads at night.People have heard sounds of crackling and have even seen the chudail or the woman in a white saree! Spooky isn’t it?

Brij Raj Bhavan Palace

A Major’s ghost haunts the Brij Raj Bhavan palace

Image Credit: blogspot.in

The Brij Raj Bhavan palace belonged to the princely family of Kota, and later became the residence of British Major Charles Burton. The palace is now a heritage hotel, and it is said that voices of a British man can be heard by the guards and people believe that the Major’s ghost haunts the palace. An exciting place to stay in for those who love chills!

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