Do You Know Why It Makes Sense To Sleep At The Airport?

Save yourself the money, time and bother and be flight ready

Do You Know Why It Makes Sense To Sleep At The Airport?

Tom Hanks did it in the movie The Terminal, and though his reasons may be entirely different, there is plenty of reason why it may actually make sense for you to sleep at the airport, whether it is in between a connecting flight schedule, or before or after a particular flight.

I have slept at airports a lot, and most of the time, it was because I wanted to save the money on the ticket and ended up on flights that reached the destination too late at night, at an hour when I didn’t want to take a cab alone.

Yet another time, I reached early and slept at an airport in Europe, purely because I didn’t see any sense in spending money on just a few hours of hotel stay.

If you’re ready to try it out, sleeping at the airport can make a lot of sense, in terms of saving time, cutting the crazy rush outside as well as inside the airport and also in terms of saving money on a hotel just for those few hours. So if you’re ready, here goes.

1. Be Prepared


Remember that you will have to make do with barely any amenities, so the best way to make yourself comfortable is to carry a light shawl that you can cover yourself up with, since airport waiting areas can get cold, and also a travel pillow to save your head and shoulders on the hard chair arms.

2. Carry Some Snacks Or Stock Up

You’ll find plenty of food outlets at the airport, but why spend the money or settle in for the airport food when you can carry some of your own? This is purely optional and if you aren’t in the mood, feel free to rely on the food you’ll get there. You should also stock up on your food supplies before the food and water stores shut down to avoid hunger pangs later.

3. Keep A Backup Plan Ready

Find a spot under a camera so that you are safe and someone can spot you in case of danger
Find a spot under a camera so that you are safe and someone can spot you in case of danger

Image Credit: mybligr

While you are all set to spend those hours at the airport resting and catching up on your sleep, do a pre-check of what budget hotels are available near the airport. This will help in case the security has a problem with you being at the airport for those hours (it happens only in rare cases, but it is always best to be prepared). On one such trip, even though I was all set to sleep at the airport, I still went to a budget hotel next door as I got an amazing deal.

A few more tips that can help is to sleep in an area that is directly under a CCTV camera and is safer, and reaching the place a little in advance, as others might also have this brilliant idea as you do.

Read Also: What To Do When Your Luggage Is Missing At The Airport