The Essential Airbnb Checklist

4 things you just cannot miss every time you book on Airbnb


Planning a vacation is absolute fun but at the same time mindboggling. There are just tonnes of things on those never ending checklists that we make. Itineraries, flights, what to eat, where to go and most importantly where to stay. Your stay is the most important part because after a long day of walking countless streets, standing in queues, running to stations, all that you wish for at the end is your cozy-comfy room. And ever since Airbnb has come around the corner, you really don’t just visit, you ‘live’ there. But you still need to quickly go over few checkboxes before you book your Airbnb for the perfect stay.

Never judge a Book by its cover

Almost every option on AirBnb looks perfect to the T. Bright photos of tastefully done bedrooms and cozy setups. But a picture often doesn’t not tell the entire story especially when it comes to space. Rooms can sometimes in reality turnout to be pretty tight when it comes to dimensions. Many places specify the room dimensions. Don’t miss that out. It will give you a sense of how spacious it will actually be. Also, the more number of pictures you see posted for a place, the surer you can be

(Image credits: fortunedotcom)

Breakfast Blunders

What comes to your mind when you think of Breakfast? Perfectly boiled eggs with fresh fruits and juice or a lovely variety of breads and cake with a healthy yogurt. Well, hold your sumptuous thoughts right there. Even though a breakfast filter is available which helps you single out only those accommodations which serve breakfast, the definition of breakfast isn’t always the same for everyone. There have been instances when a breakfast serving homestay actually had only tea & cookies to offer. Not quite the breakfast you expected huh? It is best to specifically write to the host and enquire about the same in detail

“Walking distance from Metro”

I think there is hardly any property which a host doesn’t boast of being close to public transport options. ‘’Walking distance” as they say. But do bear in mind which metro station/bus stop is actually in proximity. Many cities across the globe have a widespread public transport system with multiple bus, tram & metro lines. While the information on proximity to such stations is always accurate, it is advisable to first consult a city public transport map online to figure out which public transport route will you actually need to be close to basis your travel plan.

Know your Airbnb Host

While bio descriptions of hosts give a fair idea of what kind of person would you be putting up with, it is even better to gauge beforehand how helpful they can actually be. Try to start a conversation with them. Ask them about basic queries or local recommendations. A good host will respond within a reasonable time frame if not instantly and might even proactively give you tips. Incase you are on the receiving end of silence for long or terse responses, maybe you can lower your hospitality expectations or look for another place all together.