Global Trends In Hotel Stays

What kind of stay would you choose?

Image Credit: Pixabay

Hospitality industry is changing everyday. It’s 2019 and it’s interesting to note how travelers have adapted to new changes in hotel stays, there have been so many changes not only in the way we travel but also in the places we book to stay in. Here are some interesting ways to stay at places when you travel.

Eco Friendly Stay Tops The List

The happy feeling of staying amidst the dense forest and enjoying the nature!

Image Credit: Bali Eco Stay

People today are concerned about reducing carbon footprints and choose hotels that include sustainable amenities. For instance, the renewable energy lighting system impresses the guests and this trend appears to be sustainable. People love to cut off from the world and relax in eco friendly stays away from technology.

Airbnb Effect Is High

Feel at home while you travel

Image Credit: Pixabay

Lately, many empty spaces are getting converted into Airbnb properties due to the growing interests of travelers to stay at home-like environments. Perhaps, hotels are now thinking to create the homely atmosphere to impress and retain more guests. This Airbnb effect is amazing as there are hardly any restrictions and there are enough choices to choose for each location.

Lifestyle Lobby Allows Multiple Functionalities

Work on the go

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It is interesting to note how the hotel brands are converting their lobby spaces into workspace so the guests can feel the intimacy. While the rooms are meant for stay, these lobbies allow them to work at an ease and also meet their clients. This trend is a hit among entrepreneurs as it allows businesses to function seamlessly.

The Pod Stay Is Innovative

Isn’t this structure lovely?

Image Credit: Mumbai Gloss

Pod stay is picking the trend globally. As more guests are adopting the minimalist lifestyle, this pod stay allows number of guests to stay at the same place in individual pods that are fitted with dedicated amenities. They are apt for short stays and the structure is innovative. The first Pod Hotel in India was opened in Mumbai.

Guests Need Smart Rooms

Get your needs done by the technologies!

Image Credit: YouTube

In the generation of smart technologies and there are some guests who travel for business meets, etc. and they expect integration of smart technologies during their stays too. What adds to this expectation is the cloud integration that will automate all the works and activities at an ease. Be it booking for your stay or wanting a coffee, these smart technologies can save time and are interesting to operate.

Which is the most interesting trend according to you?