How To Get A Good Sleep On The Flight

Sleep Secrets Every Flier Should Know

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Your dream destination is booked and your bags are packed, all ready to go, but the only thing that nobody likes are the long flights, where you cannot sleep! It happens all the time and you look at your co passenger sleeping peacefully, with a bout of jealousy and wish you could also do the same. Before we learn a few tips of getting a good sleep, I am sure you know that it is very important to wear comfortable clothes and shoes while travelling and carry a neck pillow.

Get A Window Seat

Choose your seat wisely

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Window seats, besides giving us a good view from up above, also gives us space to have a good sleep. If possible, always reserve a window seat, so that you can lean and rest your head on the side of the plane. Lean against the window and enjoy some peace at the same time not get disturbed by your co passenger, when they want to use the restroom. Also try to avoid getting the last row of the plane, because the seats may not recline and you will get disturbed by the smell and noise of the lavatories right next to it.

Carry Some Comfort Item

A shawl or a book will also do

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Carry a shawl or a thin blanket, even though there will be blankets given a touch of home always brings us comfort. The comforting smell and familiar feel of the blanket, might induce you to fall asleep and feel at home. Reading before sleeping usually helps to make one drowsy and sleepy, so carry a book that you like. The more your airplane seat feels like a comfortable home away from home, chances of sleeping well is more!

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol makes it difficult to sleep

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Initially alcohol induces sleep and one tends to sleep for a couple of hours after drinking wine or other alcohol, but after waking up from the alcohol induced sleep, it is difficult to go back to sleep. To add to that you might get a headache or feel thirsty because of a hangover. Try drinking juices or just plain water instead of alcohol for a better sleep.

Move Around And Uncross your Legs

Keep legs straight to avoid swelling of the feet

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Always wear comfortable footwear which you can easily remove and put on. Once you are settled, remove the shoes and wear socks only. This keeps your feet warm and encourages the blood circulation in your feet. Whatever leg space you have use it to stretch your legs, straighten your legs bent slightly at the knees in order to fall asleep easily and leaning back tells your brain that you want to rest and sleep. Besides that walk around for the circulation of blood, you can walk up and down in the aircraft.

Listen To Some Soothing Music

Using ear plugs shuts out the noise

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The best way to shut out the noise is by using the ear plugs, so that noises of the engines, the flight crew and the co passengers are lessened. The other option is just put on some soothing music and put it on low volume and sleep to the sound of the gentle sound.

Hope these tips help you sleep better on a plane. Bon Voyage!