The Art Of Doing Nothing When You Travel

Mindfulness when you travel can be more rewarding than you think


Most of us travel because we are bored of our daily routine. Also, we see our friends posting cool pictures of road trips and scuba diving on Facebook and Instagram. And we don’t want to be left far behind.

There is also so much pressure to do something exciting whenever you travel. Movies, social media and peers, they all tell you that you must get your money’s worth when you invest in a trip. But travel can actually be about doing nothing.

Sitting on a beach to watch a serene sun set, or enjoying a cup of coffee alone or having a good conversation, or sitting on a park bench in a new city, doing nothing are also good ways to enjoy a trip. Instead of a cramped itinerary, covering each and every spot in the guide book can be fun too. But so can be walking randomly on the streets, exploring the city on your own.

In the film, ‘Midnight in Paris’, Owen Wilson explores hidden treasures of Paris by just walking without a plan

Image Credit: Movie – Midnight in Paris

It is a wonderful feeling to wake up in an amazing place, and not rush to be somewhere. After all, you have travelled so far to break away from a routine. To put yourself on a schedule again may not serve the purpose.

Just enjoying a coffee without Instagramming it can be a joy too

Image Credit: besthealthmag

Doing nothing is not easy. We all want to be productive and get stuff done, so we consume ourselves with being busy. We go to interesting places, we take pictures and selfies to post them. We try to note down interesting facts, and then use them in a travel diary. But have you ever tried to just be in a place, without being in a hurry to capture it throughs visuals or words?

The best itinerary could be to take the road, and see where it takes you. This helps us to meet new people, learn about a new culture intrinsically, and make memories that don’t seem pretentious.

Alone or in company, the act of doing nothing on a trip can actually turn it into your best vacation. To be in the moment, and savour it fully, without any thought to preserving it is the best preservative. Such moments leave an indelible mark on the mind.

Read Also: Do Men And Women Travel Differently?