These Walking Tours Are A Must For Literary Enthusiasts

For the readers and travelers in you, these places are must-visit

These Walking Tours Are A Must For Literary Enthusiasts
Image Credit: 123RF

One of the best ways to know more about a city/town you are visiting for a vacation is by attending walking tours. These are helpful to make you understand the overall culture, mingle with fellow travelers and learn the roads around.

Literary icons across the world have taken inspiration from their surroundings and it reflects well in their writing.

Every reader wants to experience the world created by the authors and these walking tours are dedicated to just soak you into that.

Here are a few must-go-to walking tours for literary enthusiasts:

Basho Tour – Japan: Learn All About Japanese Poet Matsuo Basho

This tour takes you to the most picturesque locales of Japan
This tour takes you to the most picturesque locales of Japan

Image Credit: Walk Japan

The tour starts in Tokyo and follows the journey of one of Japan’s most famous travelogue The Narrow Road to the Deep North written by Basho. The tour takes you around the popular places that shaped Basho’s journey. The walking is along quiet lanes similar to those of the countryside. The tour covers some of the most beautiful sights of Japan including the gardens found at Hiraizumi and Kenroku-en.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Tour In Cartagena Celebrates The Work Of Latin America’s Favorite Author

Cartagena has a lot to offer when it comes cultural richness
Cartagena has a lot to offer when it comes cultural richness

Image Credit: Irish Times

If you are familiar with Marquez’s work, this tour will be the highlight of your Colombian tour. The guided tour takes you along the places that replicate the scenario’s from Marquez’s work and who wouldn’t want to see that? The tour specifically relates to two famous books by the author namely, ‘Of Love and Other Demons’ and ‘Love in The Time Of Cholera’. The ancient city’s spirit is sure to remind you of Marquez’s magical realism. The three-hour tour is detailed and fun for the readers.

Ernest Hemingway’s Paris Tour Is One Of The Most Famous

Rue Cardinal Lemoine is one of the most commonly visited places by Hemingway's fans
Rue Cardinal Lemoine is one of the most commonly visited places by Hemingway’s fans

Image Credit: France Travel Planner

Post World War I, Paris was alive and the hub for arts and culture. Several artists and writers hailed to Paris in the twenties and literary icon Ernest Hemingway was one of them. A walking tour is dedicated to this writer in Paris and takes you on a three-hour journey, starting from his first apartment in the city, Rue Cardinal Lemoine. For readers of the author’s work, this tour is a great way to know more about the person he was and how his work came along.

Shakespeare Town: Visit The Birthplace Of The Greatest Playwright Ever Born

Shakespeare's birthplace is must visit spot on an English vacation
Shakespeare’s birthplace is must visit spot on an English vacation

Image Credit: Trip Advisor

Stratford-Upon-Avon in England is known as the Shakespeare town because it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. The place offers a tour of the childhood home of possibly English literature’s most famous writer. A live theatre also performs to the playwright’s most famous works. The actors perform on request of visitors and hence you get to see Shakespeare’s works come alive in the most brilliant manner.

If you are a fan of literature, these are easily the most famous walking tours available for you to explore your author’s work.