Three Bollywood Celebs Tell You Where To Head For Your Summer Travels This Year

The Himalayas with Anushka, New Zealand with Siddharth Malhotra, or Switzerland with Ranveer - what would you like


You’ve seen those vacation pictures from your favourite Bollywood stars and gone all shades of green with envy.

But did you know that with air fares becoming super affordable, thanks to the many deals that you can track before booking a flight, there is really no destination that is beyond reach anymore.

So even as the temperatures soar and are already melting your brains away, take a look at some of these favourite summer destinations that your stars love to visit, and who knows, you may even bump into them there!

The Himalayas with Anushka Sharma

Imagine the sheer thrill of vacationing in the range of peaks that is the world’s highest

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Anushka Sharma has mentioned that earlier that if she was asked to choose only place that is her most favourite destination, it is the Himalayas. Unlike what you may think, there is a lot to do at the Himalays, such as water rafting, trekking, yak safari, heli-skiing, mountain biking, gondola rides and of course camping.

The best time to travel is between June to September

New Zealand with Siddharth Malhotra

Actor Siddharth Malhotra enjoys a round of archery in New Zealand

Image Credit: indiatoday

Whether you want to stick to a budget or want to really enjoy the life when on vacation, New Zealand has a mix of both. You can take a trip to the Sky Tower and enjoy the city view from a bird’s eye view, visit the Old Ghost Road for a wonderful walk, go to the Great Lake or Cadbury World to participate in chocolate tasting and sampling, visit caves, take the Hobbit tour (!), go to the glaciers – basically do just about anything you can save your energy for.

The best time to travel is between March and May as you can get the best weather and some really good deals too.

Switzerland with Ranveer Singh

Ranveer Singh is the Indian Ambassador for Switzerland Tourism

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It’s no secret that Switzerland is one of the most loved destinations of the Bollywood brigade, and it truly is beautiful. The best part is that while it is no doubt an expensive place, you can easily find lots of affordable options to choose for your stay as well as for food and even shopping and commute. Have fun at the Zurich lake, ride some e-bikes around Basel, take a trek with llamas, spend a peaceful day by Lake Geneva in Lausanne, go bungee jumping, visit the shopping centres, take the crazy slide ride at Langenbruk or just walk around the city.

The best time to travel is between March and October.

Try and plan before time and book a few months in advance to get the best deals.

Read Also: Visit These Mughal Gardens To Beat The Summer This Year