Try These Travel Podcasts To Plan Your Next Trip

Planning a trip is beyond Googling places to visit. Podcasts can help you live the travel experience before you travel

Image Credit: Movie - Sanju

Traveling isn’t all about picking a destination and moving towards it. There’s planning, there’s luggage, there are tickets and so much more. Most of all, venturing into the unknown has its pros and cons. You can face language barriers, cultural misunderstandings and all that can be avoided by getting to know the place of visit later.

Given the hectic lives we live, it is not always easy to find time for research and podcasts can be helpful at such times. You can tune in when you’re traveling and listen to actual travel experiences, hacks and so much more about the destinations you wish to visit.

Here are some travel podcasts that could be helpful for your trip:

The Musafir Stories – An Indian Podcast About Travel Destinations Across India

The Musafir Stories will take you to the most unexpected Indian destinations

Image Credit: Pexels

The Musafir Stories is an amazing audio experience that transcends you to places across the diverse heritage of the country. One of the best parts about the podcast is that you may be tuning it from anywhere doing your regular chores. The travel stories are very personal and that makes one connect to them instantly. A lot of travel hacks and secrets are shared which could help you manage your trip better. In just thirty minutes or more, you can plan your entire itinerary depending on the choice of places you’d like to visit.

Extra Pack Of Peanuts – A Guide To Cheap Travel Across The Globe

Most of us believe that an international trip is expensive and often find ourselves dissing those big Euro trip plans. Well, listening to the podcast Extra Pack Of Peanuts, you’ll learn all about cheap traveling. The podcast helps you learn all about deals and how you can be curbing costs on air travel and so on. This podcast is particularly for dreamers who are willing to go that extra mile to travel. The host of the podcast, Travis has traveled across 20 countries and will give you the best hacks to cut costs when traveling.

Amateur Traveler – Perfect For Planning The Right Places To Visit At Your Travel Destination

Host of the podcast, Chris Christensen started this podcast back in 2005

Image Credit: Amateur Traveler

One of the most challenging parts about planning a trip is narrowing down the right places you want to visit in the city/town. While some people prefer touristy places, not everyone likes to follow the crowd. The Amateur Traveler is a great podcast that exactly provides relevant information about the places to visit and how to get the best of local food.

Indie Travel Podcast – A Great Hear For Those Who Want To Travel Full-Time

Craig and Linda are the founders of this podcast and have been on the road for years

Image Credit: Indie Traveler

More and more couples today are taking gap years from work to travel full-time and that’s not an easy decision to make. The Indie Travel Podcast was formed with just that idea, to help people travel full-time with ease. The episodes include interviews with travelers, tips on traveling with a yearly budget. The founders of the podcast have spent enough time on the road and give it a listen you want to learn from their mistakes and get inspiration to take the risk.

Listen to these amazing podcasts to learn more about destinations, traveling experiences, and hacks of budget travel.