You Should Not Skip These Essentials If You Plan To Trek Solo This Season

What makes trekking solo challenging, and what you should prepare for?

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To those of you who have trekked through the Himalayas before, we all know that we go back to the mountains every year like a ritual because they offer peace, calm and panoramic views. You miss these in the plains of India, where the noise and bustle of city can be exhausting. And so, every year, we plan the treks.

But trekking can be a more substantial experience when undertaken solo. Many of us want to try this experiment, heading into the mountains alone, to immerse yourself in the nature, and disconnect from everything else.

You not only have to manage your own logistics, you also have to carry your gear, pitch campsites and cook for yourself. This is a truly challenging and adventurous way to do a trek. If you are planning a solo trek this year, here are some things you should prepare for.

Prepare Yourself With Some Practise

Start easy, trekking solo for a day trips around your city. This will help you to introspect on how well you can do without company. Then, also try short solo treks, for a couple of days. This will help you prepare for longer treks, and being on yourself for longer periods of time. The more you trek on your own, the more efficient you will become.

You have to be mentally and physically fit to undertake a solo trek, and this requires certain preparation

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Fitness Is Very Important

It is important to be physically and mentally fit if you plan to be by yourself in the mountains. You walk long distances on unfamiliar terrain. You will not have the company or any support system. So, it is very important to be fit if you plan to trek solo. Follow an expert-recommended fitness routine to prepare yourself well.

Learn The Basics Of First-Aid

It is advisable to learn the basics of first aid before you plan a solo trek. A course in Basic Life Saving and Basic First Aid (BLS & BFA) is a short course of a couple of days that most hospitals offer. Pack basic medicines and first aid material that you will require. Take a doctor’s help if you are not sure of which medicines to carry.

You have to acquire important skills like setting up your own camp and cooking

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Acquire The Right Gear

On a solo trek, not only do you require the usual backpack and shoes. You also need a tent, sleeping bag and a stove. If you do not want invest a lot of money initially, consider renting gear. You should also learn how to use this gear, and it is better to polish your basic cooking skill.

Trekking solo is a major challenge. Though it is a thoroughly fulfilling experience, it requires tremendous preparation. These essentials will set you on the way.

Read Also: Five Great Indian Treks For Solo Hikers