May Be Trump Needs Lessons In Gandhigiri

Why Trump may be wrong is suggesting that teachers need to be armed to fight mass shootings


U.S. President Donald Trump suggested arming teachers to deter future mass shootings as he met survivors of the gun rampage that left 17 people dead at a Florida high school.

The televised White House meeting came as students staged street protests across the country to demand stricter gun laws following the murder of 14 teens and three teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

America has been fighting battles with its gun laws for a very long time. Every mass shooting revives the debate, and people forget about it till the next incident.

But Trump’s suggestion of arming school teachers as a solution to the most recent incident has many things wrong with it.

Firstly, teachers are messiahs of knowledge. A gun in their desk, along with books and chalk, would ill suit any respectable teacher. You cannot mix Dead Poet’s Society with Godfather.

Secondly, Trump forgets the basic Christian value that violence begets violence. Maybe he should sign up for a crash course with Munnabhai and get some lessons in Gandhigiri.

Gandhi said no to violence even in the face of it. He said when someone slaps you, offer the other cheek. This does not mean that when a sociopath enters your school, you run out to get shot. What he meant was passive resistance. That means doing something about the gun laws seriously, instead of arming teachers in school.

When North Korea threatens a nuke attack at the press of a button, you do not threaten them with a bugger button. Instead you speak of dialogue and peaceful resolution.

When he withdrew from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, he could do with some Gandhian lessons on environmental protection. Gandhi always lived a life which thought that every creature on the earth deserves to be protected.

When Trump ruffles the feathers of Indian by talking about changes in H1-B visa, he should read Gandhi’s autobiography to see how an Indian changed the world. How Churchill called him a naked Fakir, and had to take his words back when India achieved independence.

Trump could surely learn a lot from Gandhi, as would many other world leaders today.

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