Why I Haven’t Fallen In Love With Kindle Yet (And Most Likely Never Will)

Why a Kindle can never replace my books

Why I haven't fallen in love with kindle yet (and most likely never will)

When I was growing up, there were two types of kids (at least to my mind) – those who read and those who did not (no, the comic reading types were not book readers to me, call me whatever you wish).

Switch to today’s times, and sadly, there are two kinds of readers (again, to my mind) – those who read a book, and those who, well, read a Kindle (like seriously?).

Let me ask this first – how does reading a book on a Kindle, or on any app for that matter, qualify as being called reading?

It’s like, I meet a guy online, chat out my emotions with him online (here again, I feel the art of really typing out your chats has been taken over by those abbreviated forms and emojis). Case in point, Mr. Boss Sree has zoned me out quite a lot of times with his superior extremely superior knowledge of abbreviations, and stumped me multiple times, to my horror and dodo-ness.

Coming back to the point I was trying to emphasize, imagine I meet this super amazing guy online, with a really to die for display pic and we have a great time of chatting and typing out our emotions. And then what? I decide to go ahead all the way with him (online in a virtual avatar) and what? Get in a relationship like that, without ever meeting him, get married without ever meeting him, and start a life without ever meeting him?

What I am trying to say here is, how do I ever get to truly know someone, or experience a real emotion, without ever feeling it for real?
What I am trying to say here is, how do I ever get to truly know someone, or experience a real emotion, without ever feeling it for real?

Image Credit: Instagram

Can things be felt through a screen as they can for real?

Of course, you can say that you can’t feel the characters for real even in a physical book, they are mere words.


For a real book lover, the love of reading is not just restricted to reading the words and going through the story.
For a real book lover, the love of reading is not just restricted to reading the words and going through the story.

Image Credit: Instagram

It’s about touching the book, feeling that sensation in your hands when you lift a book, getting intimate with your book as you turn the pages, taking in its peculiar smell, knowing its fragrance and getting mixed in it, meeting new characters and going back again to meet them all over again, as many times as you want.

And yes, that sound of turning the pages and feeling time slip by. Aah!

Can a power generated thing ever make you feel all that? No, sorry, you can never convince me. Even when you tell me I am responsible for the cutting down of trees.

Of course you can say I am an ancient sort, a dodo, but as long as that makes me a book lover and a nerd, call me anything and I won’t mind 😉

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