3 Sneaky Yoga Techniques To Do At Work


Here is a compilation of 3 yoga techniques you can do at your desk without attracting weird stares from the next cubicle.


A sedentary job has its own health hazards like a stiff neck and painful spine. An inactive lifestyle spent at your desk for most of the waking hours can have long term health impacts. So here is a list of 3 Office Yoga poses you can do without your colleagues thinking you are being weird or funny.


1. Seated backbend

This posture helps to relax your shoulder and back muscles. Take a deep breath and reach out to the ceiling with your arms spread out wide and spine straight. Then exhale, with your back bending backwards slightly from your upper body. Hold for a few seconds and release arms to your side. You can tell your colleagues you are celebrating a nicely drafted email.


2. Seated twist

This posture helps to stretch the hips, shoulders and neck and relieves tension. Sit straight and inhale. On the exhale, twist your body to one side, from the bottom of your spine. Hold the posture for 5 to 10 breathes, and then do the same for the other side.

Your colleagues will think you are just looking towards the people around you.


3. Hip opener

This improves flexibility and releases any tensions in the hip. Keep your right ankle on the left knee. Breathing in, gently push your right knee till you feel a stretch. Hold for 5 to 10 breathes and repeat for the other knee. If someone is giving you weird stares, you can say you are checking if there is some nasty stuck on your shoe.

These fun and quick yoga postures will leave you refreshed at your desk. Also no more funny stares while you stretch and turn in your seat.

(Image credits- geekhive, yogasmoga, readers.com, yogaescapes)