5 Signs That You Are Being Taken Advantage Of At Work

Are you doing single-handedly doing the work of two?

5 Signs That You Are Being Taken Advantage Of At Work
Image Credit: laverdadnoticias

It has been stressed very often by many career counselors and business leaders that you have to enjoy your work to succeed in your professional path. And now, more than ever, people are following their dreams. Many of us have ideal job situations, where we genuinely derive happiness from our work.

And yet, there may be time, when you feel drained at the end of the day. Even if your job puts you in a comfort zone, you need to be aware of whether it is blinding you to the fact that you might be taken advantage of at work. So, here are some clear signs to tell you that you are not getting your right dues at work.

Do Colleagues Wtill Ask You Before Loading More Work On You?

If people have stopped asking you before pushing favours onto you, then you need to read the red sign. It is important to be a team player and help your colleagues when they are overworked, but if this help is being taken for granted, then you need to become alert. It is not normal to be constantly handed extra assignments, especially when they come from your colleagues and not your boss.

Have People Stopped Saying ‘Thank You’?

If the gratitude and appreciation of your effort have stopped, it means that it is taken for granted that you are a work-horse, who likes to put in an extra effort. It does not make for a conducive work environment when your colleagues and boss have stopped appreciating your help.

Are You Doing Work That Is Beyond Your Job Description?

It is fine to be given assignments beyond your work description once in a way. In fact, this might help you gain a leverage over others when it is time for a promotion. But if this is constantly happening, then you need to remind your manager that you are uncomfortable with the extra workload.

Piyush Sinha, Manager at SP Infrastructure, says, “If your work is not given due credit, then you must realise that you are being taken for granted. It is fine to be helpful to the team, but if you are constantly working on things beyond your scope, then it is not fine.”

If you feel you are the only one on the team that is over-worked then you need to read the signs for being taken granted at work
If you feel you are the only one on the team that is over-worked then you need to read the signs for being taken granted at work

Image Credit: dailymail

Are You Single-Handedly Doing The Work Of Two?

When someone on your team quits, and you are suddenly doing the work of two, it is fine for some time. But if your manager seems to avoid taking on someone new in the team because you are handling it well, then maybe it is time to remember that this could be a sign of being taken granted. Everyone at work will have slack and hectic days, but if you feel you are the only one who is overworked, it might be time to bring it to the notice of the boss.

Are You Being Compensated Incommensurate To Your Efforts?

Monetary compensation is one of the major perimeters of success in work life. Unless you are completely unmaterialistic, then being paid less than your contribution to the work could be a clear sign that you are being taken advantage of at work.

These questions will help you decide whether it is time to put your foot down and stop being taken granted at work.