From Considering Suicide To Turning A Life Coach, This Is How Harrish Sairaman Did It

Each day is a new beginning, a new opportunity and a new way of learning and living

From Considering Suicide To Turning A Life Coach, This Is How Harrish Sairaman Did It

Harrish Sairaman is a Motivational Speaker who has successfully driven over 1200 workshops and has touched the lives of over 2,00,000 participants. He regularly uses science approved approaches in his workshops and is a Certified Performance and Life Coach.

He regularly works with professionals to help them in areas related to their professional life, relationship, health, financial issues and so on.

For someone who is a motivational speaker, what was your first source of inspiration?

People usually change and transform only under two circumstances – Inspiration or Desperation. Mine started with desperation! I had reached a point in my life where ‘nothing seemed to be working’ and suicide was also a choice I considered. That’s when I considered experiencing hypnotherapy and the spiritual path as a possibility. This not only dissolved my barriers, but it also epitomized my conviction in the power of life. What started with a desperate attempt, transcended into inspiration for transforming the lives of others. If you’re going through the toughest phase of your life, it is through this phase that you will discover your true potential, strength and sometimes, even passion! Don’t hesitate to seek professional help!

Did you ever face some really tough struggles in life that seemed too tough to get out of? How did you manage the crisis?

This would be an extension of my previous answer. From a dysfunctional family to continuous health challenges, from the verge of a divorce to unhappiness at work, from a negative mentality to money issues – I experienced it all!

Few of the strategies that I adopted and that helped me were:


I always expected that the future is going to be ‘better than the past.’ This is one belief that helped me salvage many situations.

Accept and Seek

Many times I accepted the failures, and instead of trying to fight it out like a headless chicken, I sought professional help from therapists, mentors, and coaches. This always gave me a different perspective and not only helped me salvage the situation but helped me bounce back with more awareness and insights.


One of the most important qualities that helped me handle crisis was ownership. Instead of waiting for others to change, or for situations to get better, I would simply ask myself ‘What can I do in this situation’ and ‘how can I make it better?’


In some situations in life I had no control whatsoever and that’s when I just practiced ‘total surrender.’ I accepted that I cannot do anything about the situation but kept ‘the hope’ about it getting better and took ownership of my emotions. I cannot promise a guaranteed solution with this approach, but it definitely makes you more peaceful and balanced.

Had you planned your career differently or is it something that you always wanted to do?

“If I am alive, I have been given another opportunity to become a better person.”
“If I am alive, I have been given another opportunity to become a better person.”

It was not consciously planned. In fact, I was always confused about my career and kept hopping towards whatever came up. My life challenges, inquisitiveness about life and life events led me to discover this path.

What all did you learn or how did you gain the knowledge and insight to actually help people professionally in this field?

Whether it is this field or any, learning is a continuous journey and it must never stop. There’s enough to learn till the last breath. As a foundation, I did invest in a lot of learning including sciences like hypnotherapy, transpersonal regression (including past life regression), Kinesiology, NLP, conversational hypnosis and more. Nowadays, I’m learning more with ‘Life’ around me, situations and people. Everyone and everything is teaching us. So, I invest time in pausing, reflecting, introspecting and going just a little deeper and profound insights and experiences happen in this path. Although all the learning is of paramount importance, to professionally help people what really works for me is the “Intent, love and passion’ for this work and way of life.

Do you remember your first motivational stint as a speaker?

Definitely, I do, it was filled with curiosity and covered with a layer of intense fear. I was well prepared, but the fear of ‘unknown’ was intense. However, my intent, style, and content made its way to a successful outcome.

How was the initial approach? Were people serious about it or were they just trying to see what the whole thing is all about?

I was well prepared and had a huge conviction in the content, the flow, and the approach. Even now, I only take up sessions that I’m convinced about. Of course, people do test and judge. When I started as a young facilitator of 25 years I had to prove my worth. Once again, the delivery style, the content, the conviction and passion always did override the barriers eventually.

Were you ever nervous in one of your workshops and do you still sometimes get nervous? What helps you take back the control?

Yes, I was definitely nervous, and this happened for many seminars and workshops initially. I still get nervous, especially if it’s a new situation, new topic or a new country. However, it’s more of the positive excitement. Also, I look at every session as a new opportunity, even though it might be the same program content. This keeps the excitement very high. What helps me get back the control is to know that I need not be in control! I just have to give my best and realize that I’ve been given another beautiful opportunity to transform the lives of people.

What are some of the tactics that help you be more confident of yourself even if you are not 100% ready to give your best?

Even if my readiness is not 100%, my intent, passion and the joy of giving is always 100%, this energy is felt by my participants. I always believe that ‘we are only given situations and challenges that we can handle!’ this really helped and helps! Even if I’m not sure, I’m ready to accept and learn, rather than boasting! Also, I practice what I teach, which brings in heightened conviction and genuineness.

What is a workday like for you?

A work day for me is synonymous to fun, excitement, insights and filled with ‘joy of giving’. My work and sessions are therapeutic and reenergize me.

What keeps you motivated?

I always start my day with the realization that if I am alive, I have been given another opportunity to become a better person, to contribute and play every role of my life in a better way! With this intent, awareness, and realization, sustaining motivation and passion is never an issue!

Harrish proves that anything, no matter how bad, can be overcome if we only try and we can completely transform our lives.